Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Blaðsíða 141

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Blaðsíða 141
Archaeological Sediments and Site Formation at Hofstaðir, Mývatn, NE-Iceland internal laminae. These fine layers ranged in colour from 5YR3/3 and 3/4 dark reddish brown to 7.5YR 4/6 strong brown and seemed to contain small white fibrous inclusions, but field observations could not determine the cause of its laminated appearance. It is possible that this layer contains a high proportion of decomposed grass. In order to determine the precise com- position of Context 51 and to interpret its mode of deposition and any post- depositional disturbances, it was tar- geted for micromorphological analysis (Pr. 2/1; Pr. 3/1, 3/2, 3/3, 3/5; Pr. 4/3; figs. 1, 2 & 3), geochemistry analysis (bulk sample no. 8) and archaeobotan- ical analysis (by Garðar Guðmunds- son). In addition, Pr. 2/2 is a very large undisturbed block, which was taken for the purpose of micro-excavation in the laboratory. This combination of techniques should allow us to de- termine whether Context 51 re- presents a change in the function of the structure over time or the early phases of abandonment. This layer was in turn capped by the horizontal pieces of turf and mixed soil that filled in the structure after its abandonment. The boundary between these phases will be visible in six micromorphology sam- ples (Pr. 2/1; Pr. 3/1, 3/2; Pr. 4/1-4/3; figs. 1, 2 & 3). It may be possible to interpret whether the turf fill is a result of intentional collapse of the roof or collapse due to neglect, if the intentional collapse was done immedi- ately following the abandonment of the structure. 4) The Landnám Issue: Beneath the western wall of the structure in Area D, the so called Landnám tephra sequence was preserved in situ. Bear- ing in mind the important question of the earliest phase of settlement at Hof- staðir, and in Iceland in general, it was decided to compare the soils immedi- ately above and below the tephra, in an effort to determine whether or not there were any signs of disturbance in the immediate vicinity prior to 871 ±2 A.D. Two micromorphology samples were taken (Ref. 1/1 and Ref. 2/3; fig.l) and two samples for geochem- istry analysis were taken, one from below the Landnám tephra (bulk sample no. 11) and one from above it (bulk sample no. 12). The impact of humans on the natural soil sequence can take many forms, including changes in the structure of the soil (certain activities can cause it to become compacted and platy), and the input of anthropogenic materials such as fragments of charcoal and bone, plant matter and animal excrement. The latter two will decay, leaving only recalcitrant compounds in the soil, such as lipids, and phosphorus which is readily retained in andisols. In addi- tion, the translocation of clay down the soil profile, which can be triggered by disturbances in the upper A hori- zon, may indicate that the surface of the ground has been cleared of vegeta- tion. At the moment there is con- siderable debate about the strengths and weaknesses of using these soil characteristics to interpret the pres- 141
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Archaeologia Islandica

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