Orð og tunga - 01.06.2014, Side 98
Orð og tungn
(33) (...)
D: Æði, til hamingju! Hlakka til að koma í kokteilA til
A: takk öll :-D hlakka til að fá þig í kokteilA til mín!
By repeating the deviation in the response, the spelling is only in-
directly referred to. Other than that, spelling deviations seem com-
monly accepted.
Acronyms have been mentioned as a characteristic feature of CMC
(cf. Crystal 2006, Baron 2008). Specifically, lol 'laughing out loud' has
obtained transnational fame. In this corpus lol occurs three times.
Other acronyms are hardly used in the corpus. The total number of
tokens is six and all acronyms that occur are of English origin (lol, asap
'as soon as possible', and btio 'by the way').35
Abbreviations are more common than acronyms (altogether 15 to-
kens). They are established Icelandic abbreviations, with kv 'kveðja'
and kl 'klukkan' being the most frequently used (six tokens each).
Shortenings have a total number of nine tokens. Five out of six types
are Icelandic with two being common shortenings for the days of the
week (fós 'föstudagur', lau 'laugadagur'). The others follow a com-
mon strategy, the shortening with an ó-ending (vandró for "vandræði"
('problems'), brennó for "brennibolti" (name of a ball game), abbó for
"afbrýðisamur" ('jealous').
(34) A: hey btw hver er síðan fyrir til að stilla tímana? (...)
B: ég las þetta hrikalega vitlaust hjá þér, sé það núna,
The only foreign based shortening is d//f ('difference') which is used
in the informal expression meikar ekki diff:
(35) A: (...) akkurat mánuður í að ég sjái ykkur og blessuð
börnin! kv. spennt og sakna
A: eða aðeins svona rúmlega, meikar ekki diff..37
To summarize, the strategies to facilitate and shorten spelling are not
35 Due to their English origin they are also counted as occurances of the theme of
conceptual orality.
36 In (34), A asks for the website to correct clocked working hours. B then explains
that he/she had at first misunderstood the post.
37 In (35), A says that it is exactly a month until he/she will see the other person again
but then revises the comment with respect to the exact time even if it does not
make a difference.