

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2016, Page 15

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2016, Page 15
87 Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags Summary Volcanic episode in the Askja volcanic system 11.000 years ago The Askja volcanic system is located in the North Volcanic Zone of Iceland. The system is about 200 km long and up to 25 km wide. In its southern part a cen- tral volcano is found with a large caldera, Askja, about 45 km2. Numerous fissure eruptions have occurred on the fissures swarm during postglacial time. In gen- eral, the eruption history of the Askja volcanic system is not well known ex- cept for the last c. 5.000 years. One of the lavas has gained more attention than others among geologists, i.e. the Sveinahraun lava. The Sveinar-Randar- hólar eruption fissure, where the lava was erupted, is the longest one known in the country, about 75 km long. During this eruption the fissure transected the Jökulsárgljúfur Canyon. In the walls of this 100 m deep canyon cross-sections of feeder dikes may be seen. Until recently the age of the Sveinahraun lava has been uncertain. Commonly it has been esti- mated somewhere between 6–9 ka. In the summers of 2011 and 2012 a geologi- cal mapping of the Northern Volcanic Zone was conducted by Iceland GeoSurvey. During the fieldwork te- phrochronology was applied in dating individual lavas. One of the objectives was to get a more accurate age estimate for the Sveinahraun lava. At two loca- tions soil profiles with the 11 ka old Askja-S tephra overlying scoria of the Sveinar-Randarhólar crater row were found. The source craters of the Askja-S tephra are not preserved but most prob- ably were located within the Askja cal- dera or its vicinity. The sections studied are located some 20 km apart on the Randarhólar-Sveinar crater row, i.e. at Randarhólar and Vegasveinar, respec- tively. Based on the profiles it is con- cluded that the crater row and the whit- ish Askja-S tephra are contemporary formations, belonging to the same Fires in Askja c. 11 ka ago. The volcanic activ- ity seems to have started with basaltic eruptions, a phreatomagmatic activity in the Askja region and a fissure eruption on the northern part of the Askja fissure swarm, the Sveinahraun eruption. Then a plinian eruption occurred in Askja pro- ducing the Askja-S tephra (c. 1.5 km3 as DRE), covering the Sveinar-Randarhólar scoria and the Sveinahraun lava. In the waning phase a part of the eruption fis- sure, i.e. at Jökulsárgljúfur, erupted again and also phreatomagmatic erup- tions occurred in the Askja region. These Fires resemble those occurring in the Askja volcanic system in 1874–1875 AD. Þakkir Bestu þakkir til Kristjáns Sæmundssonar og Árna Hjartarsonar fyrir ánægjulega samvinnu í mörkinni og yfirlestur handrits. Guðrúnu Sigríði Jónsdóttur færi ég einnig bestu þakkir fyrir teikningu korta. Heimildir 1. Árni Hjartarson & Kristján Sæmundsson 2014. Berggrunnskort af Íslandi. 1:600 000. Íslenskar orkurannsóknir, Reykjavík. 2. Guðrún Larsen & Jón Eiríksson 2008. 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