Hjúkrun: tímarit Hjúkrunarfélags Íslands - 01.11.1985, Page 65

Hjúkrun: tímarit Hjúkrunarfélags Íslands - 01.11.1985, Page 65
SIEMENS EXPIREO MINim VOLUME AU>W HMIT # Si«mviTY ItiM MI» AIRWAY PRESSURE v«K CMTl # nuu Servo Ventilator 900 C The most advanced of the Servo Ventilators. It is designed for respiratory treatment and monitoring for all age groups in intensive care and anesthesia. Eight ventilation modes, electronic PEEP and CPAP, digital display of vital patient parameters, expandable scales for adults and infants, stepless SIMV, instant gas change. All parameters are easily inter- faced for recording or data storage. If you are familiar with the 900 or 900B it will take only a few minutes to understand the new 900C. Servo Simplicity! I---------------------------1 I | í SMITH& í ! NORLAND ! Verkfræðingar, Innfiytjendur Nóatúni4, Pósthólf 519, Sími 28322, | I Telex: 2055SMINOR IS | I | I---------------------------1


Hjúkrun: tímarit Hjúkrunarfélags Íslands

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