Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.08.2000, Síða 54
Nánari upplýsingar um ráðstefnurnar er
að fá á skrifstofu Félags íslenskra
hjúkrunarfræðinga, Suðurlandsbraut 22,
sími 5687575.
Nordiska barnavárdskongressen
Ábo, Finnlandi
23.-26. ágúst 2000
Lacde 2000
International Conference of lacde
Reykjavík, íslandi
27.-30. ágúst 2000
Netfang: unnar@samband.is
26th International Congress on
Occupational Health
Netfang: icoh2000@post1 .com
www.icoh. org ,sg/icoh2000. htm
27. ágúst -1. september 2000
The fourth International Congress on
Thanatology and Suicidology
Death, Dying and Suicide
Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð
28. -30. ágúst 2000
Skilafrestur útdrátta: 1. febrúar 2000
Netfang: stocon@stocon.se
Heimasíða: www.his.ki.se/dds2000
Berzelius symposium 54
Medicine and the Media
31. ágúst-1. september 2000
Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð
Netfang: sls@svis.se
3rd Nordic Health Promotion
Research Conference
Outcomes in Health Promotion: Key
questions for Research and Policy
Tampere, Finnlandi
6. -9. september 2000
International Scientific Conference
Nursing and Quality of life
Kraká, Póllandi
7. -9. september 2000
Sími, bréfasími: ++48 12 421-40-10
Scientific Basis of Carcinogen
Assessment: Quo Vadis?
Naantali, Finnlandi
10.-15. september 2000
Heimasíða: www.niva.org
Indicators for Monitoring and
Surveillance of Health, Safety and
Working Conditions
Gautaborg, Svíþjóð
11 .-14. september 2000
Heimasíða: www.niva.org
8th International
Nurse Practitioner Conference
„Entering the New Millennium"
San Diego, Kaliforníu, Bandaríkjunum
28. sept. - 1. október 2000
Heimasíða: www.aanp.org
Netfang: conference@aanp.org
The second Nordic conference on
coercion and autonomy-ethics and
mental illness
Tváng och autonomi-etik vid psykisk
Vasterás, Svíþjóð
1 .-3. október 2000
Netfang: kerstin.rannar@ltvastmanland.se
Risk Assessment and Risk
Management of the Work
Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku
2.-6. október 2000
Heimasíða: www.niva.org
7th Nursing Research Conference
Year 2000: Research, a challenge
10.-13. október 2000
Lissabon, Portúgal
Global Institute for nursing and
Third Annual International Conference
13. október 2000
New York, Bandaríkjunum
Safety Research
Mustio, Finnlandi
15.-20. október 2000
Heimasíða: www.niva.org
International Conference on
Emerging Nursing Knowledge to
build on Consensus Conference
Boston, Massachusetts, Bandaríkjunum
19.-21. október 2000
International Congress in Nursing
Manila, Filippseyjum
19.-21. október 2000
1st International and 8th National
Nursins Congress
Belek Antalya, Tyrklandi
29. október-2. nóvember 2000
Netfang: hemsirelik@marun.edu.tr
Current Trends in Research on
Workrelated Musculoskeletal
Disorders and their Prevention
Gentofte, Danmörku
30. október -3. nóvember 2000
The Fourth European Parkinson’s
Disease Association Conference
The New Millennium-Working in
Vín, Austurríki
9.-12. nóvember 2000
The leadership experience
International Nursing Leadership
San Diego, Kaliforníu, Bandaríkjunum
12.-17. nóvember 2000
Netfang: jlpo@xs4all.nl
Quality Improvement in Nursing and
Oxford, Bretlandi
12.-17. nóvember 2000
5th Telenurse Conference
ICNP towards Version 1.0
ICNP Translators and Reviewers
Coimbra, Portúgal
15.-18. nóvember 2000
Netfang: arlete@igifc.min-saude.pt
Ophthalmic Nursing
different practices-a cultural experience
17.-19. nóvember 2000
Jerúsalem, ísrael
Netfang: pauline.prempeh@rcn.org.uk
The future of Work-Prevention of
Overload and Burnout
Saariselká, Finnlandi
20-23. nóvember 20000
Heimasíða: www.niva.org
European Congress of Nursing 2000
Munchen, Þýskalandi
27.-29. nóvember 2000
Heimasíða: www.pflegekongress2000.de
Second International
Interdisciplinary Conference
Advances in Qualitative Methods
22.-24. febrúar 2001
Alberta, Edmonton, Kanada
Netfang: qualitative.institute@ualberta.ca
Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga • 2. tbl. 76. árg. 2000