
Jökull - 01.01.2012, Side 89

Jökull - 01.01.2012, Side 89
Mass and volume changes of Langjökull ice cap, Iceland, ∼1890 to 2009 above assumptions are in good agreement with the elevation difference obtained between both the 1986 and 1997 DEMs, and 1997 and 2004 DEMs at the highest areas of the glacier. Furthermore, the uncer- tainty due to this ’ad hoc’ method yields only minor errors in total volume change estimates as the eleva- tion changes in the lower regions are by far larger. Comparison of the elevation maps at mountain tops and other prominent features did not suggest signif- icant vertical shift. We assume the accuracy of the 1945 DEM to be ∼5 m and ∼7 m for the 1937 map. We believe, however, that the average vertical bias is much smaller, less than a few metres in all the recon- structed maps. In error estimates of volume change based on DEM difference we assume possible bias as half of the random error. Mapping of the LIA maximum margin The LIA maximum extent of Langjökull was delin- eated from geomorphological field evidence such as lateral or terminal moraines, ice cored hummocky moraines, fluted terrain and trimlines and mapped from high resolution aerial photographs using remote sensing software ArcGis. Historical documents, maps and photographs from the 19th century to the early 20th century, along with field observations, detailed oblique and aerial photographs support the estimated LIA maximum extent (e.g. Wright, 1935; Sigbjarnar- son, 1967; Geirsdóttir et al., 2009; Kirkbride and Dugmore, 2006; Larsen et al., 2010) Meteorological observations In this study we primarily investigate the sensitivity of the mass balance to temperature changes, using data from the meteorological station Hveravellir in central Iceland (location in Figure 1). The meteoro- logical data from Hveravellir reach back to the year 1966. Hence, this data is supplemented with observa- tions from a meteorological station at Stykkishólmur in W-Iceland (the longest temperature record in Ice- land, reaching back to the year 1822; location in Fig- ure 1, e.g. Sigurðsson and Jónsson, 1995; Hanna et al., 2004). The climate record from Stykkishólmur is however damped due to the proximity to the ocean, while the station at Hveravellir reflects inland temper- atures (Björnsson et al., 2005). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mass balance from in situ observations The average measured 1996–1997 to 2008–2009 mass balance at sites along an approximate central flow line down a south outlet of Langjökull is shown in Fig- ure 6. The winter and summer balance is highly vari- able; the standard deviation of measured balance at each survey site is between 0.25 and 0.70 mwe yr−1 for both the winter and the summer balance, higher in the accumulation zone for the winter balance and in the ablation area for the summer balance. The bw gra- dient (dbw/dz) is roughly linear by 0.4 mwe yr−1 per 100 m in elevation until reaching the highest peaks where some of the winter snow is blown off. The overall summer balance gradient (dbs/dz) is ∼0.7 mwe yr−1 per 100 m in elevation, somewhat higher in the lowest part and significantly lower in the upper accu- mulation area; the gradient is mostly controlled by the surface albedo (Gudmundsson et al., 2009b). The net balance has a gradient (almost linear) of 1.1 mwe yr−1 per 100 m in elevation (the deviating net balance at the highest elevation is excluded). The average ELA of 1996–1997 to 2008–2009 is ∼1090 m on Langjökull southern dome, but about 1300 m on the north dome (Figures 4d and 7). In Figure 7, the zero net balance contour of the 2008–2009 bn-grid mostly coincides with the dark/light boundary of an ENVISAT image from 20 October 2009. The dark/light boundary is in- terpreted as the boundary between ice or old firn and the last winter snow residue. The specific winter-, summer- and net balances have varied between 1.1 and 2.1 (mean 1.74, std. dev. 0.33), -2.1 and -4.0 (mean -3.00, std. dev. 0.55), -0.4 and -1.9 (mean -1.26, std. dev. 0.48) in mwe yr−1, re- spectively, from 1996–1997 to 2008–2009 (Table 1; Figure 8). During these 13 years, the net balance has always been negative and the total cumulative mass loss 16.4 mwe yr−1 (Figure 9). Hence, the glacier has lost 8.6% of its mass during this 13 year survey pe- riod. Scatter plots, demonstrating the relationship of bn to both bw and bs (Figure 10), indicate the zero mass balance turnover b0−bal (bw = -bs) for the cur- rent topography of Langjökull to be ∼1.8 mwe yr−1. The average winter balance has been 1.73 mwe yr−1 or 96% of b0−bal while the summer balance average is JÖKULL No. 62, 2012 87
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