Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2020, Blaðsíða 75

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2020, Blaðsíða 75
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Aim: investigation of symptoms of stress among icelandic nurses during the month before answering questionnaires on person-, work- and patient-related burnout symptoms and coping methods in difficult circumstances. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study using the question - naires Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Copenhagen Burnout inven- tory (CBi) and Ways of Coping (WOC). The study is a part of a larger research project at two icelandic hospitals. in this study stat- istical analysis was performed on responses from 164 participants. Results: nurses under 40 years of age showed a significantly higher stress level (PSS) compared to those 40 years or older (p = 0,001). Participants with working experience of 10 years or less showed significantly more stress than those with longer working experi- ence than 10 years (p = 0,004). Participants younger than 40 years old showed significantly more burnout symptoms than those who were older: person related (p = 0,011), work related (p = 0,018), and patient related (p = 0,017). Significant difference was seen in participants’ evaluation between units of the adequacy of staffing, surgical unit (60%), medical unit (40%) (p < 0,001). Significant negative correlation was found between stress and age and work- ing experience, and between burnout sub-scales and age, working experience, education and staffing adequacy. Behavioural escape- avoidance showed significant negative correlation with age, work- ing experience and seeking and using social support. a significant negative correlation was discovered between cognitive escape-avoid - ance and working experience. Conclusions: findings should be interpreted with caution due to a small sample. They indicate that younger nurses are more likely to suffer from stress and burnout. The PSS and CBi questionnaires are suited for research on stress and burnout among nurses but further development is needed for the WOC questionnaire. Keywords: Stress, burnout, coping, acute hospital settings, nurses. Correspondent: elisabet@unak.is English Summary Svavarsdóttir, B. h., and hjörleifsdóttir, E. Stress, burnout and coping strategies among nurses in acute hospital setting
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