Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1984, Side 151
30. V.R. blaðið 1936, 51-53; ágústblað 1984; Fjallkonan 1896, 143; Almanak Þjóðvina-
fclagsins 1910, 40; 1920, 53; gcrðabækur stjórnar og fclagsfunda V.R.: upplýsingar
frá Lýð Björnssyni sagnfræðingi.
31. Morgunblaðið, 1. desembcr 1921.
32. Arbók Háskóla íslands 1922-23, 4; 1924-25, 50; 1925-26, 44; 1926-27, 40-41; 1927-
28, 55; Almanak Þjóðvinafélagsins 1924, 48; Stúdcntablað 1943, 9-12, 1968, 42; Vil-
hjálmur Þ. Gíslason, Eggcrt Ólafsson, Rv. 1926.
33. Indriði Einarsson, Stúdcntafjclagið í Reykjavík 50 ára, Rv. 1921, 46-47; Einar Bene-
diktsson, Ljóðmæli, Rv. 1945, II 149, III 328.
34. ísafold 1907, 165-67; Fjallkonan 1907, 97-102.
35. Lögrjetta 1907, 103.
36. Norðri 1907, 99.
37. Þjóðviljinn 1907, 118.
38. ísafold 1908, 137.
39. Fjallkonan 1908, 93; Þjóðviljinn 1908, 116.
40. ísafold 1909, 147.
41. Þjóðviljinn 1909, 116.
42. ísafold 1910, 153.
43. Fjallkonan 1910, 91.
44. Lögrjetta 1910, 117.
45. ísafold 1911, 191.
46. Þjóðviljinn 1911, 112.
47. Norðanfari 1909, 90, 97-98; Fjallkonan 1910, 103.
48. Ríkishandbók íslands 1965, bls. 473. Sanrningur Vnr.fél. Dagsbrúnar við VSÍ, Rv.
1955, bls. 19. Kjaradómur 3. júlí 1963, Ásgarður 12. árg. 1. tbl. júlí 1963, 24-25.
Skjöl í forsætisráðuncyti Þ-2. Lög nr. 88, 24. des. 1971, Lagasafn 1983, 616.
Days of National Remembrance.
Thc idea of an Icelandic National Day first appears in thc year 1841, in connection
with thc decision of thc Danish king that thc old Icelandic parliamcnt (Alþing) should bc
No such national celebration took place, however, until in the summer 1874, when the
king visited Iceland for thc first time and brought the Icclanders a separate constitution.
This event was celebrated during that summer in various parts of the country and on diff-
crent datcs, but thc main celebrations were in the capital Rcykjavik on Augnst 2 and at
Þingvellir on August 7. In thc following years attempts were made in several places to
keep this national festival going, but it never became regular and soon faded away.
In thc year 1897 the Student Association in Reykjavík encouragcd all other socictics in
the town to organize a common celebration on the fcstival day from 1874, August 2. From
that ycar on, this day was madc festive in Reykjavík until 1909 with only a few cxcept-
ions, and gradually government officials began to participate.
Frorn 1898 similar celebrations wcre also hcld in the country on different days in var-
ious rcgions, mainly in July and August. This custom was continued in some places until
1910. Two offsprings of these old celebrations are still alive. One of them is the National
Fcast of the Wcstnran Islands, which is held early in August, and the other onc is the
Mercantile Holiday, which is now celebrated on thc first Monday in August.
In thc year 1907 thc Student Association in Reykjavík once more initiatcd a national