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Bank of Development. Annual report 1966.
Rvík [1967]. 14 bls. 4to.
SON. Education in Iceland. A historical and
contemporary survey. [Fjölr.] Nashville Ten-
nessee 1968. (1), 10, XIV, (12), 941 bls.
FRIÐRIKSSON, ÁRNI. Boreo-tended changes in
the marine vertebrate fauna of Iceland during
the last 25 years. Conseil Permanent Intematio-
nal pour l’Exploration de la Mer. Extrait du
Rapports et Procés-verbaux, vol. CXXV. Kbh.
1949. (1), 30.-32., (1) bls. 4to.
— Herring markings in European waters. (Re-
printed from Nature, vol. 165, 1950). (3) bls.
— Historical remarks on the Icelandic herring
fishery. - Herring Fagging. Conseil Permanent
Intemational pour l’Exploration de la Mer.
Extrait du Rapports et Procés-Verbaux, vol.
CXXVIII. Kbh. 1951. (1), 23.-25., (1); 49.-51.,
(1) bls. 4to.
— and G. TIMMERMANN. Herring spawning
grounds off the south coast of Iceland during
spring 1950. Extrait du Joumal du Conseil
Intemational pour l’Exploration de la Mer.
Vol. XVII. No. 2. Kbh. 1951. (2), 172.-180.,
(1) bls. 4to.
— — Some remarks on the eggs of herring (Clu-
pea harengus L.) and capelin (Mallotus villo-
sus (O. F. Miill.)) in Icelandic waters. Extrait
du Joumal du Conseil International pour l’Ex-
ploration de la Mer. Vol. XVII. No. 3. [Kbh.]
1951. Bls. 261-263. 4to.
FRIÐRIKSSON, STURLA, Dr. Life arrives on
Surtsey. New Scientic 1968. [Sérpr.] Bls. 684
-687. 4to.
— Problememe ved opretholdelsen af hpproduk-
tion p& varige græsmarker ved islandske for-
hold. Særtryk af Nordisk jordbmgsforskning
árgang 48. [1968]. 7 bls. 8vo.
— and BJÖRN JOHNSEN. The vascular flora
of the outer Westman Islands. Reprinted from
Greinar IV, 3. Rvík 1967. 37.-66., (2) bls.,
2 mbl. 8vo.
FRIEDRICH, HERMANN. Erganzende Unter-
suchungen iiber die Heteronemertinen Islands.
Sonderdruck aus Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk
naturh. Foren, bd. 123, 1960. Kbh. 1961. Bls.
257-270. 8vo.
UM. Lógir . . . Stovna 27. des. 1966. [Vest-
mannaeyjum 1967]. 18 bls. 12mo.
GAIMARD, PAUL. Voyage en Islande et au
Groenland. Publié par ordre du roi sous la di-
rection de M. * * * Atlas historique. Litho-
graphié d’aprés les dessins de M. A. Mayer.
Tome premier. Tome deuxiéme. Atlas zoologi-
que, medical et geographique. Haraldur Sig-
urðsson bókavörffur sá um útgáfuna. Litho-
prent h.f. Rvík 1967. (15) bls., 150 mbl. Fol.
settelse. Utgitt av Gudmund Sandvik og Jens
Amp Seip. [Fjölr.] Bergen - Oslo ál. V. 40,
40 bls. 4to.
GARDARSSON, A. The waterfowl situation in
Iceland. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the
Second European Meeting on Wildfowl Con-
servation, Nordwijk aan Zee, 9-14 May 1966.
The Hague 1967. 3 bls. 8vo.
GREENWOOD, DAVID. Iceland: Yesterday and
today. Marab. Vol. II, no. 3. [Úrtak]. Heidel-
berg 1967. Bls. 16-32. 8vo.
[GRETTIS SAGA]. Sagaen om Gretter den Stær-
ke. Pá dansk ved Gunnar Gunnarsson. Sagaen
om Gretter den Stærke er oversat fra islandsk
efter „Grettis Saga”. Gyldendals Trane-klassi-
kere. Kbh. 1968. 181, (3) bls. 8vo.
— The saga of Grettir the Strong. Translaled by
G. A. Hight. Edited with introduction, notes
and indexes by Peter Foote. Everyman’s Lib-
rary. No. 699. Reprinted. London 1968. XXII,
265 bls. 8vo.
GRÖNDAL, BENEDIKT. The social life of
Reykjavík in the year 1900. (From Reykjavík
in the year 1900). [Transl. by B. S. Benedikz].
Derairy. No. 4, 1968. [Fjölr. Úrtak. London-
derry] 1968. (6) bls. 4to.
GUDMUNDSSON, FINNUR. Bird protection in
Iceland. Reprinted from VI Bulletin I. C. B. P„
1952. Bls. 153-160. 8vo.
— Islandsk hvinand (Bucephala islandica). Strpm-
and (Histrionicus histrionicus). Særtryk af
„Nordens Fugle i Farver“, 5. bind. Kbh. 1961.
(1), 220.-226., 253.-260. bls. 4to.
— Islom (Gavia immer). Særtryk af „Nordens