

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1987, Síða 84

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1987, Síða 84
Field-Naturalist 96: 323—328. Peterson, R.T., G. Mountfort & P.A.D. Holl- om 1962. Fuglar Islands og Evrópu, 3. útg. 1972. Þýðing Finns Guðmundssonar. - Al- menna bókafélagið, Reykjavík. Rogers, M.J. & the Rarities Committee 1986. Report of rare birds in Great Britain in 1985. - Brit. Birds 79: 526-588. Sharrock, J.T.R. 1974. Scarce migrant birds in Britain and Ireland. — T. & A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted. Slater, H.H. 1901. Manual of the Birds of lce- land. — David Douglas, Castle Street, Edin- burgh. Snorri Björnsson. Stutt ágrip um íslands nátt- úrugæði. — Handrit í Landsbókasafni fs- lands. JS 435, 8vo: 247. (1710-1803). Thurston, M.H. 1982. Ross’s Gull in the Nort- SUMMARY Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland Gulls * by Gunnlaugur Pétursson VST Consulting Engineers Ármúla 4, 108 Reykjavík A total of 8 species of guils have been recorded as vagrants in Iceland. All known records of these species up to December, 1980 are listed in this paper and numbered in chronological order. Records from 1981 — 1984, which have been published in annual rare bird reports (Gunnlaugur Pétursson & Kristinn H. Skarphéðinsson 1983, Gunnlaugur Pétursson & Erling Ólafsson 1984,1985,1986), are also briefly mentioned. The status of these eight species in Ice- land varies. Pagophila eburnea is an * Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland. Report 4: Icelandic Museum of Natural History. heastern Atlantic Ocean. — Sea Swallow 31: 53-55. Timmermann, G. 1938-1949a. Die Vögel Is- lands. — Rit Vísindafélags fslendinga, XXI, XXIV og XXVIII. Reykjavík. Timmermann, G. 1949b. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ektoparasitenfauna islandischer Sáuget- iere und Vögel. 1. Mitteilung. — Vísindafé- lag íslendinga, Greinar 11,3: 1—32. Vinicombe, K.E. 1985. Ring-billed Gulls in Britain and Ireland. — Brit. Birds 78: 327- 337. Voous, K.H. 1977. List of Recent Holarctic Bird Species. British Ornithologists’ Union. Wright, N.J.R. & D.W. Matthews 1980. New breeding colonies of the Ivory Gull Pagop- hila eburnea in southern East Greenland. — Dansk Ornith. Foren. Tidsskr. 74: 59-64. irregular winter visitor, and Larus minutus can be considered as a rare summer visi- tor. Larus sabini is probably a rare through-migrant in Icelandic waters, although there are relatively few documented records. The details included for each record are: site (locality and county), date, the num- ber of birds (if more than one), sex and age (if known), catalogue number (RMxxxx or RM Gnr.xxxx) which is in use at the Icelandic Museum of Natural His- tory (if a specimen is preserved there), observer(s), and first literature citation. The 1981 — 1984 records are included in distribution maps and histograms. Apart from the common notations for sex (<?,$) and age (ad, imm), age is also frequently described in terms of commonly used terminology, such as á fyrsta hausti (juvenile), á fyrsta vetri (first-winter), á öðrum vetri (second-winter), ársgamall (first-summer) and 2ja ára (second-sum- mer), etc. “A.m.k” means “at least”. Other abbreviations include: “FD” means found dead, “N” the bird was coilected but no further information is available, “ZM” that the specimen is preserved in the 78
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