Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2006, Blaðsíða 27

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2006, Blaðsíða 27
27 barna og háskólarektors 5 . nóvember 2004 (bls. 203–211). Reykjavík: Umboðsmaður barna og Háskóli íslands. Guðný Björk Eydal, Ingibjörg Broddadóttir, Steinunn Hrafnsdóttir og Sigurveig H. Sig- urðardóttir (1997). The development of local authority social services in Iceland. í J. Sipilä (Ritstj.) Social care services: The key to the Scandinavian welfare model (bls. 51–76). aldershot: avebury. Guðný Björk Eydal og Stefán ólafsson (2003). Social and family policy: The case of Iceland . Report for the project: Welfare policy and employment in the contex­t of family change. Reykjavík: Borgarfræðasetur. Hanssen, J–I. og Elvehøj, O. M. (1997). a statistical summary of the development of social services for children, elderly and disabled in the Scandinavian Countries. í J. Sipilä (Ritstj.), Social care services: The key to the Scandinavian welfare model (bls. 178–198). aldershot: avebury. Hiilamo, H. og kangas, O. (2003, nóvember). Trap for women or freedom to choose? Child care allowance in Finnish and Swedish political rhetoric. óútgefin ráðstefnu- grein á ráðstefnu ESPa (European Social Policy association) Changing European Societies – the Role for Social Policy. kröger, T. (1997). Local governments in Scandinavia: autonomous or integrated into the welfare state? í J. Sipilä (Ritstj.), Social care services: The key to the Scandinavian welfare model (bls. 95–108). aldershot: avebury. köhler, L. (1990). Barn och barnfamiljer i Norden: En studie av välfärd, hälsa och livskvalitet. Stockholm: Studentliteratur. Leira, a. (1987). Models of motherhood welfare state policies and everyday practices: The Scandinavian ex­perience. Oslo: Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Leira, a. (1992). Welfare states and working mothers: The Scandinavian ex­perience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Leira, a. (1999). Cash-for-child care and daddy leave. í P. Moss og F. Deven (Ritstj.), Parental leave: progress or pitfall? Research and policy issues in Europe (bls. 267–287). Hague and Brussels: NIDI CBGS Publications. Leira, a. (2002). Updating the ‘gender contract‘? Childcare reforms in the Nordic countries in the 1990s. Nora, 10 (2), 81–89. Lilja Mósesdóttir. (2001). The interplay between gender, markets and the state in Sweden, Germany and the United States. aldershot: ashgate. Lov om kontantstøtte til smabarnsforeldre nr . 73/1997–8. Lög um almannatryggingar nr . 50/1946 . Lög um alþýðutryggingar nr . 50/1936 . Lög um atvinnuleysistryggingar nr . 57/1973 . Lög um fæðingarorlof nr . 91/1980 . Lög um fæðingarorlof nr . 57/1987 . Lög um fæðingar­ og foreldraorlof nr . 95/2000 . Lög um hlutdeild ríkisins í byggingu og rekstri dagvistunarheimila nr . 29/1973 . Lög um leikskóla nr . 48/1991 . Lög um leikskóla nr . 78/1994 . Lög um meðgjöf með óskilgetnum börnum nr . 4/1900 . gUð­ný Björk ey­dal
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