Læknablaðið - 01.09.1979, Blaðsíða 19
Rætt er um aðgerðir til að fyrirbyggja
sjónskerðingu hjá börnum og erfðaráðgjöf
fyrir foreldra með arfgenga sjúkdóma.
In 1978, a study was made of legally blind
(corrected visual acuity 6/60 or less) and
partially seeing (CVA 6/18 to 6/60) children
under 17 years of age in Iceland. A total of 46
children were found, of whome 19 were legally
blind and 27 partially seeing. Of the 43 children
under 15 years of age, 16 were legally blind and
27 partially seeing. For those under 15 years
of age, the prevalence rates, expressed as the
number per 100.000 children of similar age,
25,3 for legal blindness and 42,7 for partial
In all 46 children, the visual loss was attri-
butable to heritable, congenital, or develop-
mental defects. The most common cause of
visual loss was optic nerve atrophy, which
accounted for a third of the cases. Other causes
are listed and discussed. No cases of aquired
visual loss were found, which could explain the
fact that the prevalence rates reported by us
are lower than those reported in he United
States. In addition to visual loss, other congeni-
tcil birth defects were found in 24 of the
children. CNS affection was found in 20 of the
children, and of these, 15 were mentally
Eight chlidren, 6—18 years of age, were
enrolled at the School for the Blind, and of
these 6 were legally blind. Other school age
children were either in schools for the handi-
capped or in schools with normal children.
Various methods of preventing visual loss in
children, including counselling of parents with
heritable disorders, are discussed.
1. Baghdassarian, S.G., Tabbara, K.: Childhood
blindness in Lebanon. Am. J. Ophthalmology
May 1975.
2. Baldursson, G., Bjarnason, Ó., Halldórsson,
S., Júlíusdóttir, E., Kjeld, M.: Maternal
rubella in Iceland 1963—1964 . Scandinavian
Audiology, March 1972.
3. Björnsson, G.: Blinda á Islandi. Læknablað-
ið 38. árg. 5. tbl. 1954.
4. Cavender, C.J., Schwartz, L.J., Spivey, B.E.:
Hereditary Macular Dystrophies Clinical
Ophthalmology Vol. 3.
5. Geeraets, W.J.: Ocular Syndromes, Lea &
Febiger 1969.
6. Hatfield, E.M.: Why are they blind? The
Sight-Saving Review Vol. 45 No 1, 1975.
7. Hatfield, E.M.: Blindness in infants and
young children. The Sight-Saving Review
Vol. 42, No 2 1972.
8. Mannslátabók II. Skrifstofa landlæknis
9. Nadler, H.L.: Prenatal detection of genetic
defects. Advances in Pediatrics 1976.
10. Sigurjónsson, J.: Rubella and congenital
cataract blindness. The Medical Journal of
Australia. April 21, 1962.
11. Sveinsson, K.: Blindir menn á Islandi. Heil-
brigt lif, IV árg. 1—2 hefti 1944.
12. Vaugham, D., Asbury, T.: General Opht-
halmology 8th ed. Lange 1977.
Rúnar Sigfússon, verkfræðingur
Síðastliðið sumar fór fram á vegum
landlæknis lausleg könnun á rekstri raf-
eindatækja á nokkrum heilbrigðisstofnun-
um utan Reykjavíkur. Tilgangur könnun-
ar var að fá mynd af tækjarekstri smærri
stcfnana. Niðurstöður og umræður voru
dregnar saman í stutta skýrslu til land-
læknis.1 Þar kemur fram, að mörgu er tal-
ið ábótavant í rekstrinum, en einna alvar-
legast er, að kröfum um öryggi er ekki
talið fullnægt. Átt er við kröfur um að
tæki starfi rétt og af notkun þeirra stafi
ekki bein hætta, hvorki sjúklingum né
í heild gefur skýrslan tilefni til umræðu
um stofnun samræmdrar raftækniþjónustu
fyrir heilbrigðisstofnanir landsins. — Hér
verður rætt um verksvið slíkrar þjónustu,
þ. e. a. s. tæknilega ráðgiöf við kaup tækja,
viðgerðarþjónustu, kerfisbundið eftirlit og
kennslu starfsliðs í meðferð og notkun
tækja. Einnig verður gerð grein fyrir þörf
könnunar á tækjaeign heilbrigðisstofnana
sem undanfara áætlanagerðar um stærð og
skipulag áðurnefndrar tækniþjónustu.