

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1979, Qupperneq 60

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1979, Qupperneq 60
198 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ tvívegis ræktast frá mönnum hér á landi, en það ár voru greind 4 alvarleg tilfelli af þess- um sjúkdómi og þykir því rétt að vekja at- hygli á honum. Tveir sjúklingar voru nýburar og greindist sjúkdómurinn skömmu eftir fæð- ingu og fengu börnin viðeigandi meðferð með góðum árangri. I einu tilviki var um að ræða fósturlát á 24. viku meðgöngu, en fjórði sjúklingurinn var 43 ára gamall maður með heilahimnubólgu, sem hugsanlega smitaðist af kindum. Sá sjúklingur ber varanleg merki sjúkdómsins. Listeria monocytogenes ræktaðist frá öll- um súklingunum og var bakteriologisk grein- ing framkvæmd á sýkladeild Rannsóknastofu Háskólans, en síðar staðfest af Center for Disease Control í USA. Þar voru stofnarnir einnig greindir serologiskt og reyndust allir vera af typu 4b. Tom Berganl Pharmacokinetics of metronidazole Metronidazole is an important drug for the treatment of certain protozoal and anaerobic bacterial infections. A cross over study has been done with several doses of tablets and suppositories. There is a linear relationship between dose and the surface under the serum concentration curves, both for the oral and the rectal dosages. The suppositories give serum levels which are some 80 per cent of the tablet responses. The serum half life varies betWeen 9-10 hours for unchanged metronidazole. Part of the drug is metabolized to partially antibacterially active derivatives. The serum half-life for total antibacterial activity is between 8 and 15 hours. l Departments of Microbiology, Aker sykehus and Institute of Pharmacy, University of Osio. M. Kjeld, Jeff Wieland, M. Puah. Progesterone conjugates in Human Urine Steroid hormones with hydroxylated func- tional groups are known to exist in conjugated forms in body fluids, primarily as glucuronides and sulphates. However it is generally felt that non-hydroxylated steroids are not con- jugated in body fluids. Past studies have dis- covered a so-called enol glucuronide in rat urine of androstendione ( a Keto-steroid) and enol glucuronides of androstenodione and pro- gesterone hav'e been synthesized. Such a con- jugate (enol) of progesterone has not been found in animals or humans. This fact, plus the observation that urinary progesterone levels are found to increase merely by leaving urine at room temperature led us to investi- gate possible conjugation of progesterone in urine. METHODS Urine from near term pregnant females was collected and then fractionated (into 30 fractions) on a Sephadex A-25 anion exchange column (30 cm x 0.5 cm). Fractions were then subjected to various treatments, followed by thin layer chromatography (TLC plates from Merck, 4/1 TOLUENE: Acetone solu- tion) and finally assayed by radio-immuno- assay for progesterone content. The treatment of fractions were as follows: 1) Untreated (control). 2) Acid hydrolysis for 16 hours with 3M h2so4. 3) Incubation for 16 hours at 37°C w/B- glucuronidase (400 phenothalein units in .5M Acetate buffer at pH 4.7). 4) Incubation for 16 hours at 37°C. Data: To be presented. Discussion: DATA suggest that progesterone is indeed conjugated in at least two forms’. The identity of these conjugates remains un- certain but the conjugates are both negatively charged and one appears to be mildly heat labile. Other studies have suggested that cer- tain tissues in steers have the ability to con- jugate progesterone and store progesterone in its coniugated form. This study supports this idea, that progesterone does exist physiologic- ally in conjugated forms, and goes further by showing that these conjugates of progesterone are found in human urine. The biological sign'ficance of these two new progesterone coniugates remains to be elucidated. These data further suggest that other non- hvdroxylated steroids should be re-evaluated for the possible existence of conjugates. Friðþjófur Björnsson, Ásbjörn Sigfússon, Tryggvi Ásmundsson Lyfja og geislameðferð við smá- frumukrabbameini í lunga Smáfrumulungnakrabbi er sú tegund lungnakrabbameins, sem er algengust hér á landi. Þessi tegund vex hraðast og sáir sér fliótt í önnur líffæri. Flestum læknum ber nú saman um, að hér eigi skurðlækningar ekki \'ið. Menn hafa náð umtalsverðum árangri síðiistu 5-6 ár með fleir-lyfja meðferð. Fiailað er um 11 siúklinga með smáfrumu- lungnakrabba. sem lögðust inn á deild III-B, Lsp., á 10 mán. tímabili. Meðferð var cyclo- \
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