Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2014, Side 25

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2014, Side 25
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 23(1) 2014 25 HaLLa jÓnsDÓTTir This study is part of a comprehensive Nordic research project conducted at the be- hest of The Nordic Council of Ministers and simultaneously launched in five different countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, under the auspices of Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut (EVA) and Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (DPU). The report, Rekrutteringsproblematikken på de nordiske læreruddannelser (Norræna ráðherra- nefndin [Nordic Council of Ministers], 2010) provides a detailed account of the central findings of the research. The current article draws on those findings as it compares the Icelandic results to those from the other Nordic countries. The findings of the research bring to light that the Icelandic student teachers com- prised a relatively homogenous group; 83% women and 17% men. Here, Iceland stood out, with the highest proportion of female students in the department of compulsory school education. 98% of the secondary school students were native Icelandic speak- ers, the educational level of their mothers was higher than their fathers’, and most of the student teachers within the focus group had a close relative who was a teacher. Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir’s (2005) findings concerning adolescents’ views on grade school reveal that boys considered the work of grade school teachers less respectable than the girls did, and similarly, the boys found the job less interesting, entailing less responsibility, and being more “feminine”. Furthermore, the importance of diversity in relation to teachers’ cultural and religious backgrounds has been observed by Hanna Ragnarsdóttir and Hildur Blöndal (2007). They contend that this is the only means by which the necessary cross-cultural skills can be created within schools. Moreover, the findings of the research disclosed that the student teachers favored studies focusing on cooperation rather than studies involving competition; they also preferred practical programs which offered more possibilities for diverse positions, but were not as highly appreciated. The questionnaire revealed that Icelandic second- ary school students considered the teacher’s knowledge of his/her own subject the most important aspect; they believed that the same subjects were taught in teacher education as in secondary school; however, the former delved deeper into the material than the latter. On the other hand, the Icelandic student teachers noted social skills as the most important aspect of a teacher‘s competence. The Finnish student teachers stood out in this regard, since they alone thought that pedagogy was the hard kernel of teachers’ professionalism. The secondary school students did not believe that teaching was well suited for them. Salaries were too low. They felt, however, that the profession was important. 92% of Icelandic student teachers agreed that this profession is imperative for society. The secondary school students agreed. There was, however, a perceptible difference in relation to teachers’ respect within society: 40% of student teachers believed that grade school teachers enjoyed little or very little respect. In the questionnaire, 93% of student teachers strongly agreed, or agreed, to the statement that teachers had flexible working hours, and that, as a teacher, there would be enough free time for the family. However, there emerged a clear gender difference in the student teachers’ answers: 90% of women felt it was very important, or some- what important, to have enough time to attend to the family along with work, where- as only 23% of men were of this opinion. Around 78% of student teachers strongly
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