Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2014, Page 26
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 23(1) 201426
Hver j ir fara í kennaranám og Hvers vegna?
agreed that teaching was an interesting profession which offered an avenue for per-
sonal development; 22% agreed with these statements.
A majority of Icelandic student teachers, or 58%, stated that the reason for choosing
their education related to the profession itself; its challenges and diversity. Around
16% claimed that their choice was due to responsibility and potential influence, 11%
referred to job security and 8% mentioned the working hours. However, salary was
the major factor that spoke against the profession as such.
Young people’s views regarding teaching give rise to optimism and hope, but also
concern, because they do not seem to view teaching as an exciting profession.
Keywords: Teacher education, Nordic teacher education, teaching
abOUt tHE aUtHOr
Halla Jonsdottir (halla@hi.is) is adjunct at the School of Education, University of
Iceland. She holds a master’s and licentiate degree from University of Uppsala in
history of ideas and science. Her main research fields are didactics, professionalism,
history of education, multicultural education and philosophy.