

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2011, Page 15

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2011, Page 15
RANNSÓKN Heimildir 1. Amórsson T, Torfason B, Ólafsson G, Alfreðsson H, Jóhannsson KB, Guðbjartsson T. Hjartaskurðlækningar á íslandi í 20 ár. Ágrip erinda af vísindaþingi Skurð- læknafélags íslands og Svæfinga- og gjörgæslulæknafélags íslands. E 24. Læknablaðið 2007; 93: 320. 2. Rajamannan NM, Bonow RO, Rahimtoola SH. Calcific aortic stenosis: an update. Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med 2007; 4: 254-62. 3. Pai RG, Kapoor N, Bansal RC, Varadarajan P. Malignant natural history of asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: benefit of aortic valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg 2006; 82: 2116-22. 4. Krane M, Voss B, Hiebinger A, et al. Twenty years of cardiac surgery in patients aged 80 years and older: risks and benefits. Ann Thorac Surg 2011; 91: 506-13. 5. Khan SS, Trento A, DeRobertis M, et al. Twenty-year comparison of tissue and mechanical valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 122: 257-69. 6. Toole JM, Stroud MR, Kratz JM, et al. 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ENGLISH SUMMARY Aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis in lceland 2002-2006: Long term complications and survival Viktorsson SA , Ingvarsdottir IL, Hreinsson K, Sigurdsson Ml, Helgadottir S, Arnorsson Th, Danielsen R, Gudbjartsson T Objective: To investigate long-term complications and survival following aortic valve replacement (AVR) in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) in lceiand. Material and methods: Included were 156 patients (average age 71.7 yrs, 64.7% males) that underwent AVR for AS at Landspitali between 2002 and 2006. A mechanical prosthesis was used in 29 patients (18.6%) and a bioprosthesis in 127. Long-term complications and operation-related admissions were registered from hospital and outpatient records until April 1,2010. Overall survival was estimated and compared with the icelandic population of the same age and gender. Results: The mean preop. EuroSCORE(st) was 6.9%, the max. transvalvular pressure gradient 74.1 mmHg and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (57.2%). At six months following AVR the maximal pressure gradient was 19.8 mmHg (range; 2.5-38). Echocardiography results were not available for 23.6% of the patients 6 months postoperatively. In the follow-up period one in four patients was admitted due to valve-related problems. Re-admission rate was 6.0/100 patient-years (pt-y); most commonly due to cardiac failure (1.7/100 pt-y), emboli (1.6/100 pt-y), hemorrhage (1.6/100 pt-y), endocarditis (0.7/100 pt-y) and myocardial infarction (0.4/100 pt-y). Survival at 1 and 5 year was 89.7% and 78.2%, respectively, making survival comparable to the estimated survival of lcelanders of the same age and gender. Conclusions: The rate of long-term complications following AVR in lceland is in line with other studies. The same applies to long-term survival, which was similar to that of the lcelandic population of the same age and gender. Key words: Aortic valve replacement, aortic stenosis, heart surgery, results, iong-term complication, survival. Correspondence: Tómas Guðbjartsson, tomasgud<dlandspitali.is LÆKNAblaðið 2011/97 595



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