

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2011, Qupperneq 22

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2011, Qupperneq 22
RANNSÓKN ENGLISH SUMMARY Health-related quality of life during a clinical behavior weight loss intervention therapy Hannesdottir SH, Gudmundsson L, Johannsson E Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a multidisciplinary, behavioural obesity treatment program on weight management, physical improvements and health-related quality of life. Material and methods: The participants counted 47 women aged 20-60 years. The measurement period was from October 2007-July 2009 and a median time between measurements was six months. Measurements: height (cm), weight (kg), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), cycle ergometer fitness test (w/kg), electrocardiogram, maximal oxygen uptake (VOjmax), blood pressure (mmHg) and heart rate (bpm). Different dimensions of mental and physical health were assessed using validated questionnaires: SF-36v2™of health-related quality of life, OP scale of psychosocial functioning in the obese, BAI anxiety inventory scale and BDI-II depression inventory scale. Results: BMI decreased on average by 3.9 kg/mJ (p<0.001). The total maximum output (watts) during the fitness test increased on average by 12% (p<0.001), fitness (w/kg) increased by 21% (p<0.001) and V02max (ml/kg/min) by 18% (p<0.001). A decrease was noted in blood pressure as well as resting heart rate (p<0.05) at the end of the program. The results from the questionnaires showed improvements in quality of life and psychological well being (p<0.001). Conclusion: These results highlight the importance of comprehensive weight management and emphasize the importance of permanent lifestyle changes for the patients. Keywords: Obesity, women, behavior therapy, ergometric. Correspondence: Steinunn H. Hannesdóttir, steinunnh@reykjalundur.is Afta med Gegn sárum í munni Inniheldur Hýalúronsýru Hýalúronsýra er náttúrulegt efni sem er eitt aðal byggingarefna stoðvefs og einn af grunnþáttum heilbrigðar húðar og slímhúðar. Nánari upplýsingar um Aftamed má finna á www.portfarma.is. Aftamed® úði 20 ml flaska meö skammtara. Þægilegt í notkun. Ekki þarf að snerta auma svæðiö. ® Afta me med £t*'> COLLUIORwjS wm rr jc s 0 II BOlOH' P*0f”*l°dHite •*.' 0uarig'O,» riducono*' i,j dufa'8 Hi >ucc VTAMt> HORI Afta med Aftamed® gel 15 ml túpa. Kröftugasta meðferðin, borið á t.d. með fingri. Aftamed® munnskol Fljótlegasta aðferðin til að meðhöndla stærri svæði og sem fyrirbyggjandi meðferð. Virkni Aftamed hefur verið sönnuð með vísindalegum rannsóknum m UM AFTAMED ABENDINGAR Inniheldur samskonar hýalúronsýru og er í slímhúðinni í munninum Inniheldur próteinefni sem húóar sáriö og lengir verkunartíma hýalúronsýrunnar Slær hratt á verki og óþægindi, flýtir fyrir bata og temprar bólgur Minnkar verulega líkur á endurteknum sárum • Munnangur svo sem vegna sýkinga, undirliggjandi sjúkdóma eða lyfjameðferðar • Áverkar svo sem eftir smærri tannaðgerðir, gervitennur eða tannréttingaspangir • Tanntaka ungabarna (Aftamed gel) • Sem fyrirbyggjandi meðferð. 602 LÆKNAblaðið 2011/97
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