Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.11.1986, Síða 56
Tímarit Mdls og menningar
Geertz, Clifford, 1973, „Ideology as a cultural system" í: The Interpretation of
Cultures. New York:193—233.
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Hagen, Rune, 1984, „Historien om mentaliteterna.“ Hdften förkritiska studier 1:6—
Hutton, Patrick H., 1981, „The History of Mentalities: the New Map of Cultural
History." History and Theory 20:237—59.
Kertzer, David I., 1984, „Anthropology and Family History.“ Journal of Family
History 9:201 — 16.
Loftur Guttormsson, 1983a, „Barnaeldi, ungbarnadauði og viðkoma á Islandi
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Macfarlane, Alan, 1979, ritdómur um „The Family, Sex and Marriage in England
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Meckel, Richard A., 1984, „Childhood and the Historians. An Essay Review."
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Meyrowitz, Joshua, 1984, „The Adultlike Child and the Childlike Adult: Socializa-
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Pollock, Linda A., 1983, Forgotten Children. Parent-Child Relations from 1500—
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Shorter, Edward, 1976, The Making of the Modern Family. London. (Fyrsta útg.
Stone, Lawrence, 1977, Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500—1800. London.
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