Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Page 92

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Page 92
Adolf Friðriksson & Orri Vésteinsson FORNLEIFARANNSÓKNIR Á HOFSTÖÐUM í MÝVATNSSVEIT 1995 Gryfja sunnan skála This report deals with the second phase of preliminary investigations at Hofstaðir which took place in 1995. This time the oval depression south of the large hall at Hofstaðir was the focus of the research. Previous investigations had revealed that the depression was fílled with refuse, charcoal, ash, fire-cracked stones and animal bones, both burnt and unburnt. In 1908 this was interpreted as a purpose built refuse pit but after re-examining one of the sections Olaf Olsen offered a new ex- planation in 1966 that this was in fact a gigantic cooking pit used to prepare food for the religious feasts that took place in the large hall. In 1995 the earlier trenches were re-excavated and a new trench was dug between the pit and the large-hall to examine the relationship between the two structures. At the bottom of the previously excavated trenches a greyish-black hard trodden layer was observed below a layer of collapsed turf. Above this three principal phases of refuse deposition were identified, each divided in thinner lenses possibly representing individual events of deposition. The depression is interpreted as the remains of a sub-rectangular pit house with small turf walls on the edges. After the pit house fell out of use its walls and roof-structure have collapsed and refuse has then been thrown into the basin. The top-most rubbish layer could be traced continuously in the interconnecting trench under a wall associated with the long house. The cut of the pit house was taken from a horizon just above the Landnám tephra of AD 871 ±2 suggesting a time of building around AD 880. Adolf Friðriksson & Orri Vésteinsson, Fornleifastofnun íslands, Bárugötu 3, 101 Reykjavík Keywords: Viking Age, Settlement Archaeology, Temple Farm Theory, Pit House. Inngangur I framhaldi af athugunum á Hofstöð- um 1992 var gerð ný rannsókn sumar- ið 1995 á vegum Fornleifastofnunar Is- lands. Fyrri athuganir höfðu m.a. leitt í ljós að aðstæður til rannsókna væru óvenju heppilegar á Hofstöðum, varð- veisluskilyrði í jarðvegi góð og jafn- framt fannst fjöldi gjóskulaga sem auðvelduðu aldursákvörðun á mann- vistarleifunum. Niðurstöður uppgraft- arins 1992 voru m.a. þær að fleiri og hugsanlega eldri byggingarstig er að finna við skálatóftina stóru. Við athug- anir fyrr á öldinni hafði aðeins verið gert ráð fyrir einu byggingarstigi á Archaeologia Islandica 1 (1998) 92-109
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