Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Side 139

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Side 139
Archaeological Sediments and Site Formation at Hofstaðir, Mývatn, NE-Iceland depressions rather than post holes because the lowest layer of the fill of two of them is Hekla-3, which appears to have been pushed downwards and compressed by a weight from above. In plan they were circular or ovoid, with Hekla-3 forming the outer ring. It was possible to determine that these features sloped downwards on an angle because the cup-shaped depressions in the profile were reflected in circular features c.2cm away from and shifted to the south-east of the base of the profile. Although they are difficult to interpret, it is possible that these fea- tures were formed by the legs of a piece of furniture that was placed on and was pressed down into the original floor surface. Since Bruun does not seem to have excavated all of Area D down to the natural soil, it will be possible in future excavations to uncover more of the horizontal plan of these features. Their interpretation will also be aided by the analysis of a micromorphology sample that was taken from one of them (Pr. 3/4; fig.2). In thin section, it will be possible to study the boundary between the fea- ture and the natural soil/tephra below, as well as the composition of its fill. Above Hekla-3 and capping the hol- es and depressions, was a dense black layer (5YR 2.5/1) with a very fine platy structure, which was designated „Context 52”. Although very hetero- geneous and often containing smaller laminae, this layer was generally com- posed of silt loam, decomposed organic matter, and very small inclusions of charcoal and bone (and possibly egg shell?). These characteristics suggest that cooking refuse accumulated and was trampled in situ, and therefore that the structure had once had a domestic function. In order to deter- 139
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Archaeologia Islandica

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