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Jökull - 01.01.2012, Qupperneq 130

Jökull - 01.01.2012, Qupperneq 130
A. Schomacker et al. Time-series of digital elevation models quantify the glacier changes over the last 50 years. Between 1960 and 1996 the glacier snout thickened 70–100 m, between 1996 and 2010 it thinned 120–150 m. In 2010, the snout was overall 20–40 m thinner than in 1960. Acknowledgements We thank the Carlsberg Foundation, the University of Iceland Research Fund, and Nordvulk for financial support to this study. The Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) and the Institute of Earth Sciences, Uni- versity of Iceland are acknowledged for access to the preliminary LiDAR data. Oddur Sigurðsson at IMO is thanked for providing the data on the ice marginal variations. Johannes Krüger, Alessa J. Geiger, Jirí Lehejcek and numerous glacial geology students of the University of Iceland kindly assisted during field- work. The manuscript benefited from constructive comments from two reviewers. ÁGRIP Við Sólheimajökul má lesa jöklunarsögu Nútíma á Íslandi út úr setlögum og landformum. Þar má finna marga áberandi jökulgarða og snið sem gefa upplýsingar um umhverfissögu. Í þessari grein er setlögum og landformum, sem myndast hafa á Nútíma, lýst. Aldursákvarðanir, sem byggjast á 14C kolefnisgreiningum og geimgeislunarmælingum, gefa til kynna að Sólheimajökull hafi gengið verulega langt fram fyrir u. þ. b. 1900 árum og að minni framrásir hafi átt sér stað á Litlu-ísöld eftir árið 1539. Þessar aldursákvarðanir falla vel að fyrri aldursákvörðunum sem byggðust einkum á gjóskulagafræði og afstæðum aldri jarðlaga. Með loftmyndum má sjá sögu Sólheimajökuls 1938–2010. Stafræn hæðalíkön voru búin til fyrir valin tímabil svo mæla mætti breytingar í þykkt jökul- sporðsins s. l. 50 ár. Jökulsporðurinn þykknaði um 70–100 m frá 1960 til 1996 en þynntist síðan um 120–150 m frá 1996 til 2010. Árið 2010 var jökul- sporðurinn 20–40 m þynnri en 1960. Með samanburði hæðalíkana má einnig fá upplýsingar um rof og set- myndun á svæðinu framan við Sólheimajökul. REFERENCES Abermann, J., A. Fischer, A. Lambrecht and T. Geist 2010. On the potential of very high-resolution repeat DEMs in glacial and periglacial environments. The Cryosphere 4, 53–65. Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., S. Guðmundsson, H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson, T. Jóhannesson, H. Hannesdóttir, S. Þ. Sig- urðsson and E. Berthier 2011. Modelling the 20th and 21st century evolution of Hoffellsjökull glacier, SE- Vatnajökull, Iceland. The Cryosphere 5, 961–975. Barrand, N. E., T. D. James and T. Murray 2010. Spatio- temporal variability in elevation changes of two high- Arctic valley glaciers. J. Glaciology 56, 771–780. Benn, D. I. and D. J. A. Evans 2010. Glaciers and Glacia- tion. 2nd edition. Hodder Education, London, 802 pp. Björnsson, H. 2002. Subglacial lakes and jökulhlaups in Iceland. Global and Planetary Change 35, 255–271. Björnsson, H. and F. Pálsson 2008. Icelandic glaciers. Jökull 58, 365–386. Casely, A. F. and A. J. Dugmore 2004. Climate change and ’anomalous’ glacier fluctuations: the southwest outlets of Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland. Boreas 33, 108–122. Crochet, P., T. Jóhannesson, T. Jónsson, O. Sigurðsson, H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson and I. Barstad 2007. Estimating the spatial distribution of precipitation in Iceland using a linear model of orographic precipitation. J. Hydrom- eteorology 8, 1285–1306. Dugmore, A. J. 1989. Tephrochronological studies of Holocene glacier fluctuations in south Iceland. In: J. Oerlemans (ed.). Glacier Fluctuations and Climate Change. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 37–55. Dugmore, A. J. and D. E. Sugden 1991. Do the anoma- lous fluctuations of Sólheimajökull reflect ice-divide migration? Boreas 20, 105–113. Dugmore, A. J., A. J. Newton, G. Larsen and G. T. Cook 2000. Tephrochronology, environmental change and the Norse settlement of Iceland. Environmental Ar- chaeology 5, 21–34. Dunai, T. J. 2010. Cosmogenic Nuclides. Principles, Con- cepts and Applications in the Earth Surface Sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 187 pp. Evans, D. J. A., E. R. Phillips, J. F. Hiemstra and C. A. Auton 2006. Subglacial till: Formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification. Earth-Science Re- views 78, 115–176. Francis, P. 1993. Volcanoes. Oxford University Press, New York, 443 pp. 128 JÖKULL No. 62, 2012
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