

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2017, Qupperneq 75

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2017, Qupperneq 75
75 Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags að árétta það. Allar klappirnar eru sömu gerðar, úr dílabasalti. Einn einasti rauðleitur klumpur skar sig úr. Ég vona að það sannist sem Tempest Anderson sagði: „Myndir geta sýnt það sem ekki verður fært í orð“ (21. mynd). Nú er orðið tímabært að heilsa upp á eigendur Hvítanesstanga, Krist ján Kristjánsson og Sigríði Hafliðadóttur í Litlabæ, og þakka fyrir sig. Litlibær er friðlýstur og á sína sögu. Þar skulum við litast um og fá okkur kaffisopa og vöfflur með rjóma. Verði ykkur að góðu. Summary Are there pillow lava at Hvítanes in Ísafjarðardjúp, North-West Iceland ? “Iceland is an elevated plateau in the mid- dle of the North Atlantic … Iceland is geologically very young and all of its rocks were formed with in the last 25 million years. The stratigraphic succes- sion of Iceland extends across two geo- logical periods: The Tertiary and the Quaternary.”13 Tertiary rocks in Iceland consist predominantly of basaltic lavas. On Hvítanes as porphyritic igneous rock. Pillow lava is a common feature in- side the Icelandic moberg mountains, formed by lava eruptions under ice dur- ing the glacial periods2 and moberg forms at the present inside Vatnajökull.37. The main rocks at the shore of Hestfjörður pointed to something unu- sual and very special. My way to get some ideas about those formations was to compare them with formations off the sea of Savaii and Hawaii,3,7,8 coastal formations formed at higher sea level or uplift19–23 and on the Mid-Ocean ridg- es.23–27 As Iceland is on the Mid- Atlantic-ridge it seemed logical to ex- pect the same powers at work there as at the formation of Vestfirðir. The oldest rock on land being millions years old15 the age decreasing to the east. The Photographic Atlas of Ballard and Moore was very helpful.23 To be able to follow MARBI and NOAA on their re- search down to the abyss was astonish- ing. I frequently got stuck there. The ideas of Vuagnat16 about the shape of pillows and comparing one type of pil- lows to “buns” was amusing as lot of the rocks on Hvítanes seems to fit into his first category being planio-convex. What looks like spreading or tensions crack are quite prominent in different kinds of rocks on the Hvítanes-peninsula and seems to conform to the ideas of Goto and McPhie being diagnostic for pillow lava.20 I hope what Tempest Anderson said will be true: “What you cannot describe in words you can tell with pictures”. At present I do not know of any papers about pillow formation in the Miocene formation on Icelandic seashore. Young pillow lava that is thought to have formed on the seafloor is seen in Dyrhólaey in formation from interglaci- al periods.31 21. mynd. Klöpp á Landhólma Skötu fjarðar- megin, gegnt Djúphólma (með þenslurauf- um?). Tjaldurinn er 40–46 cm á lengd. – A rock with conspicuous cracks (spreading cracks?) at Landhólmi. Oyster-catcher for scale, its length 40–46 cm. Djúphólmi in background with similar rocks. Ljósm./Pho- to: Bergþóra Sigurðardóttir. Heimildir 1. Jón Benjamínsson 1979. Jarðhiti í Ísafjarðarsýslum og Árneshreppi fyrir norðan Dranga. OS79028/JHD. Orkustofnun, Jarðhitadeild, Reykjavík. 86 bls. 2. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1955. Bólstraberg. Náttúrufræðingurinn 25 (4). 227–240. 3. Anderson, T. 1910. The volcano of Matavanu in Savaii. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 66. 621–639, myndasíður XLV–LII. https://archive.org/stream/quarterlyjourna661910geol#pa ge/632/mode/2up/search/Tempest+Anderson+Matavanu (skoðað 24.4. 2017). 4. Anderson, T. 1903. Volcanic studies in many lands. John Murray, London. 444. Eftirprentanir ljósmynda höfundar (m.a. frá Íslandi) með ýtarlegum skýringum. https://archive.org/details/volcanicstudiesi00ande (skoð- að 24.4. 2017). 5. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1956. Úr sögu bergs og lands. Náttúru- fræðingurinn 26 (3). 113–130. 6. Sveinn Pálsson 1945. Ferðabók Sveins Pálssonar. Dagbækur og ritgerðir 1791–1797. Þýð. Jón Eyþórsson, Pálmi Hannesson, Steindór Steindórsson. Snælandsútgáfan, Reykjavík. 392 bls. 7. Moore, J.G., Phillips, R.L., Grigg, R.W., Peterson, D.W. & Swanson, D.A. 1973. Flow of lava into the sea, 1969–1971, Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. The Geological Society of America Bulletin 84. 537–546. http://gsabulletin. gsapubs.org/content/84/2/537 (skoðað 24.4. 2017.) 8. Moore, J.G. 1975. Mechanism of formation of pillow lava. American Scientist 63. 269–277. 9. Holmes, A. 1972. Principles of physical geology. Frumútgáfa 1965. Thomas Nelson & Sons, London. 1288 bls. (tilv. bls. 36.) 10. Cutler, A. 2003. The seashell on the mountaintop. How Nicolas Steno solved an ancient mystery and created a science of the earth. Plume Penguin Book. 228 bls. 11. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Yfirlit um vísindastörf Leonardós á vef- setri Berkeley-háskóla. www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/vinci.html (skoðað 24.4. 2017). 12. Lyell, C. 1998/1880–83. Principles of Geology. Penguin Classics. 528 bls.
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