

Ljósmæðrablaðið - 01.12.2022, Qupperneq 55

Ljósmæðrablaðið - 01.12.2022, Qupperneq 55
1. tölublað · 100. árgangur · desember 202254 LjósmæðrabLaðið Background The health of mothers and newborns after childbirth is often assessed with indi vidual outcome measures such as caesarean section, postpartum haem­ orrhage and Apgar score of the newborn. Al though each individual outcome is im portant it is also essential to look at the bigger picture, as the main goal of maternity care is to maximize the group that experiences the childbirth process without major complications. Purpose To describe the change in incidence of un­complicated deliveries over a 10 year period in Iceland (2009­2018). Method The study is a population based study. The data came from the Icelandic medical birth register from the years 2009­2018. The variable un­complicated delivery was defined as: Vaginal birth without instrumental delivery, no episiotomy or third and fourth degree perineal tears, without postpartum haemorrhage, and a live born newborn with 5 min Apgar ≥7 which did not need NICU admission. The incidence of the un­complicated delivery during the study period was described and compared between two periods (first and second half of the study period), and stratified by women’s socio­ demographic and obstetric background. Adjusted Odds Ratios were calculated for the relationship between background variables and un­complicated deliveries. Results The incidence of un­complicated deliv­ eries decreased, from 62,7% in 2009 to 59,0% in 2018. The biggest change over the study period was an increase in the incidence of postpartum haemorrhage. The socio­demographic and obstetric background that had the strongest asso­ ciation with un­complicated delivery was to have given birth before, to have an Icelandic citizenship and to be younger than 40 years old. Conclusion The goal of maternity care is to maximize the health of mothers and newborns. Analyzing childbirth services in this manner provides a more complete picture of maternal and neonatal health. Future research can therefore use this method in order to further examine which groups could benefit the most from targeted measures in antenatal and intrapartum care to increase un­complicated deliveries in Iceland. Key words un-complicated deliveries intervention maternal outcome neonatal outcome AbstractAuthors Hildur Holgersdóttir, RN, RM, BS, MS 1, 2, 3 Berglind Hálfdánsdóttir, associate professor, RN, RM, BS, MS, PhD 4 Emma Marie Swift, assistant professor, RM, BSc, MSc, PhD 3, 4 1 Labor unit, Landspítali National University Hospital of Iceland. 2 Miðbær Health Care Centre, Primary Care of the Capital Area, Reykjavík, Iceland. 3 Reykjavík Birth Centre. 4 Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland. english summary Un­Complicated Deliveries: A Comprehensive View of Maternal and Newborn Health Þetta þarf ekki að vera sárt. Multi-Mam Betra upphaf Hröð virkni Ást Móðurástin getur verið yfirþyrmandi. Það er auðvelt að gleyma að það er jafn mikilvægt að hugsa um sig sjálfa og að hugsa um barnið sitt. Ef þér sem móður líður vel eru miklar líkur á að barninu þínu líði vel. Þess vegna er gott að takast á við erfiðu hlutina sem tengjast því að verða móðir eins og sárar geirvörtur. Staðreyndin er að um 80% af mæðrum upplifa sárar, bólgnar eða sprungnar geirvörtur við brjóstagjöf. Multi-Mam kompressurnar meðhöndla sárar geirvörtur með græðandi og kælandi áhrifum og styðja við náttúrulegan sáragróanda. Skaðlaust fyrir barnið og inniheldur einungis náttúruleg innihaldsefni. Sjá nánar á www.alvogen.is og www.multi-mam.com
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