

Ljósmæðrablaðið - 01.12.2022, Qupperneq 77

Ljósmæðrablaðið - 01.12.2022, Qupperneq 77
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Védís Helga Eiríksdóttir og Hildur Björk Sigbjörnsdóttir. (2021). Fæðingar og meðgöngutengdir sjúkdómar 2020, Talnabrunnur, fréttabréf Landlæknis um heilbrigðisupplýsingar, 15(8), 1–5. september 2021. landlaeknir.is/servlet/file/ store93/item47703/Talnabrunnur_september_2021.pdf. World Health Organization. (2021). Caesarean Section Rates Continue To Rise, Amid Growing Inequalities in Access. who.int/news/item/16­06­2021­caesarean­ section­rates­continue­to­rise­amid­growing­inequalities­in­access. Yokote, N. (2008). Women’s Experiences of Labor, Surgery, and First Postnatal Week by an Emergency Cesarean Section. Medicine: Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery, 22(1), 37–48. doi.org/10.3418/jjam.22.37. Background Women who end up having an emer­ gency caesarean section are more likely to experience a negative birth experience than women who give birth normally or give birth with a planned caesarean section. They often feel that they have lost control, and even fear for their lives and the baby, at the same time as they feel anxious and disappointed that the birth did not end as they had hoped. Purpose To gain a deeper understanding of the experience of women who begin in nor­ mal labour and then must undergo an emergency caesarean section. Method This study was conducted using a phe­ nomenological approach, based on the Vancouver University method. The sample was a convenience sample where the requirements for participation were; to speak Icelandic, to have started out in normal labour and then had to undergo an emergency caesarean section, and where at least six months and no more than five years had passed since the birth. Requests for participation were posted on the Facebook group Mæðratips and one interview was conducted with each of the participants, using an interview framework, for a total of 12 interviews. Results The women described mixed emotions like disappointment, distress and fear for their life and their child, as well as a certain relief. The overarching theme of the study was a difficult experience: some­ thing that one does not necessarily expect to happen. This describes how the women experienced the trauma of having to undergo an emergency caesarean section and that it took them a long time to recover from that experience. There were seven main themes: Having to have an emergency caesarean section, mental well­ being, influencing factors, physical well­ being, education and follow­up, partners, and current well­being. Sub­themes were then analysed under the main themes. Conclusion To start out in normal labour and then having to undergo an emergency cae­ sarean section is commonly a diffi cult and complex experience where the support of the midwife can have a profound effect on the women’s experience. Keywords emergency caesarean section birth experience mental well-being midwifery phenomenology AbstractAuthors María Sunna Einarsdóttir, RN, RM, BS, MS 1 Dr. Sigfríður Inga Karlsdóttir, professor, RN, RM, BS, MS, PhD 2 1 Landspítali National University Hospital of Iceland. 2 Faculty of Health, Business and Natural Sciences, University of Akureyri. english summary A Difficult Experience and Something That One Does Not Expect To Happen: The Experience of Women Who Begin in Normal Labour and Then Must Under­ go an Emergency Caesarean Section
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