Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1995, Síða 63

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1995, Síða 63
67 A note on the derivation ofFaroese grind' Kate Sanderson Úrtak Tá ið greiða skal fáast á, hvaðani tað føroyska orðið grind (bólkur av grindahvalum) stavar, verður vanliga víst til, at orðið stavar ffá grind, sum merkir skrokkur ella eitt slag av portri. Vanliga verður greitt frá, at henda orða- týðingin av einum bólki av grindahvali antin sipar til, hvussu grindabólkurin skipar seg, tá ið hann svimur saman, ella til mannagongdina, tá ið ein grindabólkur verður rikin, nevniliga soleiðis at ein røð av bátum 'girða hann inni' á víkum, eins og tá ið seyður verður rikin í rætt. Komið verður við øðmm uppskoti, har ið orðið heldur verður sett í samband við uppøsta atburð og rørslur hvalanna í einum bólki, soleiðis sum norðmaðurin Peder Claussøn Friis í seytjandu øld greiðir frá um Hvalsgrind, og eisini sum áíslendskum: að vera ígrindum ella grinda sig, tá ið víst verður til hval, ið savnast í hópatali at parast. Abstract The most common and widely used explanation for the derivation of the Faroese word grind (school of pilot whales) elates the word’s origins to grind with the meaning of a framework or gate-like stmcture. The ap- plication of this sense to a school of pilot whales has been popularly explained either by the formation of a school of whales as they swim together, or in relation to the methods used to drive schools of pilot whales, whereby they are “fenced into” bays by a line of boats to prevent their escape, with parallels in sheep herding ac- tivities. An altemative to this standard derivation is sug- gested, in which the word is rather related to the agitat- ed behaviour and movement of whales within a group, as found in the seventeenth century Norwegian descrip- tion of a Hvalsgrind by Peder Claussøn Friis, as well as in Icelandic expressions such as að vera í grindum or grinda sig, which refer to the shoaling and mating be- haviour of groups of whales. The fact that grind only has the meaning of a school of pilot whales in Faroese is a fac- tor which has in many ways enhanced the perception of grindadráp (the pilot whale hunt) as a distinctively Faroese activity. It is an element which, as I have discussed else- where (Sanderson, 1990; 1992), has been combined in a great variety of compound nouns concemed with various aspects of the hunt, and continues to be incorporated into new terms to refer to more recent as- pects of the activity. Furthermore, as pilot whaling in the Faroes has so often been written about in other languages, including English, the term is not infrequently en- countered in its Faroese sense in English- language texts describing the Faroes. Grind is in fact listed with its Faroese meaning as a separate entry in the latest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (1991), albeit marked as a non-naturalised word in Eng- lish, and the explanation for its derivation comprises two possible interpretations which I will discuss briefly here. The earliest known use of the element grind in Faroese to refer to small whales is found in the account of whales and whaling in the Faroes contained in a topographical account of Norway, Noregs og Omliggende Øers sandfærdige Bescriffvelse, by Peder Claussøn Friis, published in 1632 (Storm, 1881). The section in question was appar- Fróðskapanit 43. bók. 1995: 67-72
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