Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1969, Page 109

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1969, Page 109
RIT A ERLENDUM TUNGUM Omslagsteikning av Jardar Lunde. Oslo 1968. 156, (4) bls., 2 mbl. 8vo. HOLLANDER, LEE M. The skalds. A selection of their poems, with introduction and notes. First edition as an Ann Arbor Paperback. Ann Ar- bor, Michigan 1968. VI, (1), 216 bls. 8vo. ICELAND. Land in Creaton. Introduction: Krist- ján Eldjárn, Director, National Museum of Ice- land. Photography and Picture Text: William A. Keith. Island. Land im Werden. Einfiih- rung: Kristján Eldjám, Direktor des National- museums Island. Fotos und Legenden: William A. Keith. Islande. Pays en création. Introduc- tion: Kristján Eldjárn, Directeur du Musée national d’Islande. Photographies et légendes: William A. Keith. Rvík [1967. Pr. í Sviss]. 67 bls., (2 uppdr.) 4to. ICELAND AND MID-OCEAN RIDGES. Report of a symposium held in Reykjavík February 27 to March 8, 1967, under the sponsorship of the Geoscience Society of Iceland. Edited by Sveinbjörn Björnsson. Vísindafélag fslendinga (Societas scientiarum Islandica) XXXVIII. R- vík!967. 209 bls., 1 mhl., 1 uppdr. 8vo. ICELAND 1966. Handbook pubHshed by The Cen- tral Bank of Iceland. Editors: Jóhannes Nor- da], Valdimar Kristinsson. Rvík 1967. XI, 390 bls., 12 mbl., 2 uppdr. 8vo. ICELAND 1967. Welcome to . . . Velkommen til Island. Willkommen in Island. Kbh. [1967]. 138, (2) bls. Grbr. — 1968. Welcome to . . . Velkommen til Island. Willkommen in Island. Volume/Jahrgang: 7. Kbh. [1968]. 138, (2) bls. Grbr. ICELAND REVIEW. Quarterly publication on Ice- landic industries, exports, social and cultural affairs. Vol. 5. Publisher: Iceland Review. Edi- tors: Haraldur J. Hamar, Ileimir Hannesson. Editoral assistants: Pétur Karlsson, Sigurdur A. Magnússon. Lay-out: Gísli B. Björnsson, Advertising Agtncy. Rvík 1967. [3.-4. h. pr. í Hollandi]. 4 h. 4to. ICELANDIC CANADIAN, THE. Vol. XXV. Wpg 1966-1967. 4 nos. 8vo. — Vol. XXVI. Wpg 1967-1968. 4 nos. 8vo. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEMOR- HEOLOGY, FIRST. University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 10-16 July 1966. Program and 109 abstracts. [Fjölr. Rvík 1966]. (2), 76, (3) bls. 8vo. ISLANDICA. Books on Iceland. Rvík [1968]. (1) , 48 bls. 8vo. ISLÁNDISCHE ERZÁIILER. Herausgegeben von Kristinn E. Andrésson und Bruno Kress. Aus dem Islandischen iibersetzt von Bruno Kress. 2. Auflage. Berlin und Weimar 1968. 392, (3) bls. 8vo. ISLÁNDISCHE VOLKSKUNST. Aus dem Is- lándischen Nationalmuseum, Reykjavík. Alto- naer Museum in Hamburg April-Mai 1967. Katalogbearbeitung: Kristján Eldjárn. Deut- sche Ubersetzung: Magnús Teitsson. Fotos: Gísli Gestsson. Zeichnungen: Johannes Uhlen- haut. Rvík [1967]. 34 bls., 4 mbl. Grbr. JENSEN, GILLIAN FELLOWS. Scandinavian personal names in Lincolnshire and Yorks- hire. Med dansk resumé. Navnestudier, ud- givet af Institut for Navneforskning. Nr. 7. [Drg.] Kbh. 1968. CVIII, (1), 374 bls. 4to. JOHANNESSEN, MATTHÍAS. Klagen i jorden. Digte i udvalg og pá dansk ved Poul P. M. Pedersen. Modeme islandsk lyrikbibliotek. Re- daktion: Poul P. M. Pedersen. Kbh. 1968. 192 bls. 8vo. JOIIANNSSON, HARALDUR. An introduction to the theory of intemational trade. [Sérpr. Kua- ]a Lumpur 1968]. Bls. 25-33. 4to. — Aspects of ancient and medieval economic life. Kuala Lumpur 1968. 109 bls. 8vo. — Mercantilist and classical theories of foreign trade. An introduction. Kuala Lumpur 1968. 160 bls. 8vo. — Tlie impact of the Great Depression on world trade and payments. An outline. Kuala Lumpur 1968. 126 bls. 8vo. — The rise of civilisation. A sketch. Kuala Lum- pur 1968. 114 bls. 8vo. JOIINSEN, INGRID SANNESS. Stuttmner i vi- kingtidens innskrifter. [Drg.] Oslo 1968. XIII, 365, (2) bls., 16 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8vo. JOHNSON, SKULI, Prof. Stephan G. Stephans- son. (1853-1927). Reprinted froin The Ice- landic Canadian, vol. IX, no. 2. Wpg [1951]. (2) , 17, (1) bls. 4to. JOHNSON, T. W., Jr. Aquatic fungi of Iceland: Introduction and preliminary account. Reprin-
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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