Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1969, Síða 110

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1969, Síða 110
110 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM ted from The Joumal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Volume 84, number 1, 1968. (1), 179.-183. bls. 4to. - and KENNETH L. HOWARD. Aquatic fungi of Iceland: Species associated with algae. Re- printed from The Journal of the Elisha Mit- chell Scientific Society. Volume 84, number 2, 1968. (1), 305.-311. bls. 4to. JONES, GWYN. A history of the Vikings. London 1968. XVI, 504 bls., 12 mbl. 8vo. JÓNSSON, LÁRUS. Kalksalpeter som partiell ersattning för chilesalpeter till sockerbetor. Summary: Calcium nitrate as a partial substi- tute for Chilean nitrate as nitrogen source to sugarbeets. Lantbrukhögskolans meddelanden. Serie A nr. 78. Mark. Vaxter 17. Uppsala 1967. 25 bls. 8vo. JONSSON, RUNER. Vicke Viking i Vinland. Med teckningar av EWK. Sth. 1967. 148, (2) bls. 8vo. JOSEPHSON, BRAGI STRAUMFJÖRD. Edu- cation in Iceland: Its rise and growth with re- spect to social, political, and economical deter- minants. (Parts I—II). [Drg. Fjölr. Nashville, Tennessee] 1968. (1), 4, XIV, 941 bls. 4to. — Dr. Icelandic culture and education: An anno- tated bibliography. Research Bulletin 1. [Fjöl- r.] Bowling Green, Kentucky 1968. (3), 94 bls. 4to. KOGAN, M. A. K voprosu ob ielskoj karte. [Sér- pr. úr] Izvestia vsesojuznogo Geographitsches- kogo Obschtestva. Tom 100, v. 3, 1968. (1), 252.-255. bls. 4to. KRAHE, HANS. Germanische Sprachwissenschaft. I. Einleitung und Lautlehre. Sechste Auflage. II. Formenlehre. Sechste Auflage. III. Wort- bildungslehre. Von Dr. Wolfgang Meid. Samm- lung Göschen Band 238; 780; 1218, 1218 a, 1218 b. Berlin 1966; 1967. 147; 149; 270 bls. 8vo. KRAUSE, WOLFGANG. Die Runeninschriften im alteren Futhark. Von * * * mit Beitragen von Herbert Jankuhn. Abhandlungen der Akade- mie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philolo- gisch-historische Klasse. Dritte Folge, nr. 65. I. Text. II. Tafeln. Göttingen 1966. XX, 328; VIII, 36 mbl. 8vo. KROGH, KNUD J. Viking Greenland. With a supplement of Saga texts. Main text trans- lated by Helen Fogh. Sagas translated by Gwyn Jones. Kbh. 1967. 187 bls., 2 uppdr. 8vo. KULTURHISTORISK LEKSIKON for nordisk middelalder fra vikingetid til reformationstid. Præsidium for Island: Jakob Benediktsson, Kristján Eldjám, Magnús Már Lámsson, Ár- mann Snævarr, Einar Ól. Sveinsson. Islandske redakt0rer: Jakob Benediktsson, Magnús Már Lárusson. Bind XIII. Ormer - Regnbue. Rvík 1968. 4to. LANDSBANKI ÍSLANDS. (The National Bank of Iceland). Annual Report 1966. Rvík 1967. 19, (2) bls. 4to. [LAXDÆLA SAGA]. The Laxdale saga. Trans- lated by Muriel Press. Edited with an intro- duction and index by Peter Foote. Everyman’s Library. No. 597. Reprinted. London 1965. XXI, 309 bls., 1 uppdr. 8vo. LAXNESS, HALLDÓR KILJAN. Gerpla. En kam- pasaga. Översattning av Ingegerd Nyberg-Fries. Omslag: Willy Ytter. Sth. 1967. 261, (9) bls. 8vo. — Hemma pá Island. Óversattning av Peter Hall- berg. Originalets titel: Íslendíngaspjall. Sth. 1967. 114, (1) bls. 8vo. — Lápi harmaan kiven. Sankaritarina. Anna Z. Ostermanin ruotsinnoksesta suomentanut Kristi- ina Kivivuori. Runot suomentanut Kirsi Kun- nas. Islanninkielinen Sjálfstætt fólk (1935-35). Toinen painos. Porvoo - Helsinki 1966. 535 bls. 8vo. — Salka Valka. Islannin killestá suomentanut Jyrki Mántylá. Islannin kielisen alkuteoksen nimi Salka Valka. Toinen painos, Reykjavík 1951. Porvoo. Helsinki 1966. 396 bls. 8vo. — Salka Valka. Översáttning av Ingegerd Nyberg- Fries. Omslag av WiBy Ytter. Sth. 1967. 409, (2) bls. 8vo. — Samostojatelnye ljudi. (Roman). Na gruzins- kom jaeyke. [„Sjálfstætt fólk“ á georgísku]. Tbilisi 1968. 486, (6) bls. 8vo. — Svavar Guðnason. Et udvalg af billeder med indledende tekst af * * * Vár tids kunst 67. Kbh. 1968. 63 bls. 8vo. — Syv tegn. Pá dansk ved Helgi Jónsson. Syv tegn er oversat fra islandsk efter „Sjöstafa-
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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