Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1969, Page 115

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1969, Page 115
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 115 printing. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1966. 131 bls. 8vo. SPIVACK, MORRIS REDMAN. La danse cosmi- que de Lascaux. The cosmic dance of Lascaux. 7th printing. Rvík 1968. (1), 13, (4) bls. 4to. — The gravitational attraction between two bodies varies directly according to the product of their masses multiplied by the velocity of light and inversely according to the square of the distan- ce between them. [Rvík] 1967. (1) bls. 4to. STATISTICAL BULLETIN. Vol. 36. Rvík 1967. 4 not. (60 bls.) 8vo. STEFÁNSSON, UNNSTEINN. Influence oí the Surtsey eruption on the nutrient content of the surrounding seawater. Reprint from Journal of Marine Research, volume 24, 2, 1966. Bls. 241- 268. 8vo. STEFFENSEN, JÓN. Aspects of life in Iceland in the heathen period. Reprinted from Saga-Book vol. XVII parts 2-3. London 1967-8. (1), 177.- 205. bls. 8vo. STEINDÓRSSON, STEINDÓR. Notes on the vege- tation of roadverges at Akureyri, Northern Ice- land. Aquilo, Ser. Botanica. Tom. 6. Separatus. Painettu 1967. Bls. 183-188. 4to. SURTSEY RESEARCH CONFERENCE, THE. Proceedings of . . . Reykjavik, June 25th-28th, 1967. [Fjölr. Rvík 1967]. (3), 108 bls. 4to. SURTSEY RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT. I. [Fjölr.l Rvík 1965. (1), 67 bls., 4 uppdr. 4to. — III. IFjölr.l Rvik 1967. (1), 109 bls., 8 tfl. og uppdr. 4to. — IV. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1968. (1), 206 bls., 37 uppdr. 4to. [SVERRIS SAGA]. Sverre-soga. Omsett av Halv- dan Koht. 5. utgáva. Orion bpkene 65. Oslo 1967. 248, (2) bls. 8vo. [SÆMUNDAR EDDA]. Edda Sæmundar hinns fróda. Edda rythmica seu antiqvior, vulgo Sæmundina dicta. Pars I. Pars II. Pars III. Re- productio phototypica editionis 1787-1828. Osnabriick 1967. XLVII, (1), XXVIII, 722, (5); (4), XXXIV, 1010, (5); (4), VI, 1146 bls. 8vo. — The Poetic Edda. Translated frorn the Icelandic with an introduction and notes by Henry Adams Bellows. Two volumes in one. Fifth printing. Scandinavian Classis. Volumes XXI and XXII N. Y. 1968. XXVIII, (2), 583 bls. 8vo. [—] The poetic Edda. Translated with an intro- duction and explanatory notes by Lee M. Hol- lander. Second edition, revised. Austin, Texas 1964. XXIX, (1), 343 bls. 8vo. SÖIBERG, HARRY. Jonas Gudlaugsson. „Poli- tikens" Kronik. [Úrtak. Kbh.] 1946. (2) bls. Grbr. THÓMAS SAGA ERKIBYSKUPS. A life of arch- bishop Thomas Beckett, in Icelandic, with Eng- lish translation, notes and glossary. Edited by Eiríkr Magnússon. Vols. I—II. Rerum Britanni- carum medii ævi scriptores, or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. Reprinted with permission. Wiesbaden 1965; 1966. 4, XIX, 559; 4, (8), CLXXIX, 611 bls. 8vo. TRYGGING LTD., Reykjavik. Accounts 1966. 16th Year of Business. [Rvík 1967]. (6) bls. 8vo. TRYGGVADOTTIR, NINA. Painting with light through colored glass. Leonardo, vol. I, no. 2, 1968. [Úrtak]. Bls. 125-135, 1 mbl. 4to. TURVILLE-PETRE, G. Haraldr the Hard-Ruler and his poets. The Dorothea Coke Memorial Lecture in Northern Studies delivered at Uni- versity CoBege London 1 December 1966. Lon- don 1968. 20 bls., 1 mbl. 4to. — Origins of Icelandic literature. Reprinted litho- graphically . . . from corrected sheets of the first edition by Vivian Ridler. Oxford 1967. VII, (3), 260 bls., 3 mbl. 8vo. TWO ICELANDIC STORIES. Hreiðars þáttr. Orms þáttr. Edited by Anthony Faulkes. Vik- ing Society for Northern Research. Text series. Volume IV. London ál. (9), 165 bls. 8vo. VIKING CONGRESS, THE FIFTH. Tórshavn, July 1965. Edited by Bjarni Niclasen. Tórs- havn 1968. VIII, 197 bls., 11 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8vo. VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTIIERN RE- SEARCH. Index to Saga-Book, vols. I-XVI, by J. A. B. Townsend. [Fjölr.] London 1967. (3), 81 bls. 8vo. VINLANDS SAGAS, THE. The Norse discovery of America. Grænlendinga Saga and Eirik’s
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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