Frjáls verslun - 01.04.1995, Page 15
Ki Bffl jascesægi' the Syntellect
Premler product In the parent
insurance business was a fac-
tor in the bank's choice. insur-
ance customers had been
transferring money in their
unit-linked iife assurance
schemes slnce 1991. via Syntel-
lect's older product, Premier,
which handled about 150 calls
Another user of voice tech-
nology is Bank of Scotland,
whose CardCall customer ser-
vice system has been using
Syntellect's interactlve voice
response system to deal with
its customers since 1993.
Bank of Scotland manages .
credit cards for several other
flnancial instltutions as well as
its own. The telephone inqui- (
ries section works from 8am to
midnight, whereas the voice-
response llne, CardCali, works
24 hours a day. seven days a
CardCail allows cus-
tomers to telephone a
special number, dis-
cover thelr balance tr
date and the last paymen
made. They can also ask for a
replacement card, or for a
remlnder of their PIN numtxir
to be advised by post.
Ms Ann Ross of the bank.'s
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Dealing with your
bank used to be a
face-to-face affair at
a local branch, and
often involved a personal rela-
tionship with an indlvidual
manager. Now, however, that
relationship is often wtth a
telephone and involves limited
direct contact.
However, that lack of human
contact means that customer
support is a large part of what
is now called "relatlonship
banking”. But the success of
this approach has been proved
by the success of First Direct,
where the UK bank’s relation-.
ship with the customer is car-
ried out entirely by telephone.
A new Swedish bank, Skan-
dia, ls taklng the idea one step
further. Why bother to speak
to a person who merely tells
you what is dispiayed on the
computer screen, if you can
speak straight to the computer
and it replies?
The Stockholm-based pro-
vlder of flnancial and insur-
ance obtained govern-
ment permission to operate as
a bank in January last year,
and lts previous experience
with voice-based products from
Syntellect, a US-based com-
pany, prompted it to explore
the possibllities of voice- _
A Swedish bank is winning customers with its
computer voice system, says Claire Gooding
Decline of the
human touch
Úrklippa úr Financial Times þar sem getið er um hinn óvenjulega Skandia banka í Svíþjóð.
Hann getur boðið hærri vexti vegna lágs kostnaðar.
Skandia Bank í Stokk-
hólmi er óvenjulegur
banki. Viðskiptin við
hann fara eingöngu í
gegnum síma og tölvu og
koma viðskiptavinirnir
aldrei inn í bankann.
Hann var settur á laggirn-
ar á síðasta ári og hefur
gengið mjög vel.
Frá því í október síð-
astliðnum hefur bankan-
um tekist að fá yfir 30
þúsund viðskiptavini og
starfa aðeins um tólf
manns á skrifstofu bank-
ans og annast alla þjón-
ustu við viðskiptavinina í
gegnum símann.
Um bankann var ný-
lega fjallað í Financial
Times og þar segir að
bankinn geti boðið um 3%
hærri innlánsvexti en
aðrir bankar vegna lágs
Það er óhætt að veita
þessum sænska banlta at-
hygli. Þess má geta að
Skandia fyrirtækið er
með umsvif á íslenska
fjármálamarkaðnum í
gegnum fyrirtæki sitt
Skandia hf. að Laugavegi
Hewlett Packard og OKI Microline prentarar. Philips skjáir,
módem 28,8k, skannar, afritunarstöðvar, netkort og ýmsar rekstrarvörur.