

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2007, Blaðsíða 15

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2007, Blaðsíða 15
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags 9. nnjnd. Hélumosavist greindist nokkuð vel viðfjarkönnun enda þótt gróðurþekja sé lítil og landið líkt melavistum að yfirbragði. - Moss snowbed habitat type could be detected by remote sensing. Ljósm./photo: Sigmar Metúsalemsson (ágúst 2004). SUMMARY Over the last few years the Icelandic Institute of Natural history has been developing methods for classification of Icelandic habitat types. 7’he sampling of vegetation, birds, land invertebrates and environmental factors has been carried out in seven highland areas, resulting in identification of 26 different habitat types. The habitat classification has so far been based on vegetation mapping of the areas on aerial photographs. The main objective of the current study was to investigate if remote sensing methods could be used in identification and mapping of different habitat types to make the work more efficient. A test area of 350 km2 in northeast of Iceland was selected for the research and a SPOT5 satellite image from 2002 of the area was used for the study. Accuracy assessment was made for habitat classification based on vegetation mapping and analysis of the SPOT5 image. For ground-truthing sampling of 130 tests transects in 11 habi- tat types was carried out in the study area. The total area of each habitat type, classified by each method, was calculated and compared. Based on the field data, 12 habitat types were classified, but they had to be condensed to eight classes in order to be able to compare the classification of the two different methods. All four bands of the SPOT5 image were used for both supervised and unsupervised classifica- tion. Corrections of the mapping were made by using both slope and hydrolog- ical data. For all the habitat types unsupervised classification gave higher correlation with the test data than supervised classifica- tion. A map of habitat types was constructed for the area based on tlie unsupervised classiíication. Overall accu- racy of the map for the eight classes was 70%, but tlre accuracy of each class varied from 25-90%. The accuracy of the SPOT5 map was slightly higher than that of a map based on traditional vegetation mapping. However, complete identifica- tion and separation of all the different habitat types could not be accomplished by remote sensing. Also habitat types that are rare or cover small areas may not be recorded at all by this method. We conclu- de that remote sensing is a powerful and useful tool that can be used to classify major habitat types but it has to be used in conjunction with other methods. ÞAKKIR Rannsókn þessi er hluti af verkefninu „Nýting fjarkönnunar við vistgerða- flokkun" sem unnið var í samstarfi Náttúrufræðistofnunar íslands, Háskólasetursins á Homafirði og Landmælinga íslands. Verkefnið var jafn- framt meistaranámsverkefni Regínu Hreinsdóttur við jarð- og land- fræðiskor Háskóla íslands. Það var styrkt af RANNÍS, markáætlun um upp- lýsingatækni og umhverfismál, 2003-2005. Rannveig Ólafsdóttir við Háskólasetrið á Homafirði, Kolbeinn Ámason á Landmælingum íslands og Sigmar Metúsalemsson, sérfræðingur við Landbúnaðarháskóla íslands tóku þátt í verkefninu. Landsvirkjun lét í té hæðarlínu- og vatnafarsgögn sem notuð voru í verkefninu. Kunnum við þessum aðilum bestu þakkir. HEIMILDIR 1. Nagendra, H. 2001. Using remote sensing to assess biodiversity. Intemational Joumal of Remote Sensing -22. 2377-2400. 2. Lubchenco, ]., Olson, A.M., Brubaker, L.B., Carpenter, S.R., Holland, M.M., Hubell, S.P., Levin, S.A., MacMahon, J.A., Matson, P.A., Melillo, J.M., Mooney, H.A., Peterson, C.H., Pulliam, H.R., Real, L.A., Regal, P.J. & Risser, P.G. 1991. The sustainable biosphere initiative: An eco- logical research agenda. Ecology 72. 371^112. 3. Roughgarden, J., Running, S.W. & Matson, P.A. 1991. What does remote sensing do for ecology? Ecology 72. 1918-1922. 4. Stoms, D.M. & Estes, L.E. 1993. A remote sensing research agenda for mapping and monitoring biodiversity. Intemational Joumal of Remote Sensing 14.1839-1860. 83
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