

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1987, Qupperneq 101

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1987, Qupperneq 101
SUMMARY Rates of some geomorphological processes in Iceland by Sigurður Steinþórsson Science Institute, University of Iceland Geoscience Building Reykjavík Iceland owes its very existence to an underlying mantle plume which ís respons- ible for high volcanic productivity, and at the same time serves to buoy up the relati- vely thick oceanic crust (10 km). As a consequence Iceland is the longest ridge segment (400 km) and largest landmass (103,000 km2) exposed anywhere along the mid-ocean rift system. Second, owing to its position in the North Atlantic Ocean, vig- orous wave action is an active eroding force along the coasts, whereas the Pleistocene glaciation resulted simultaneo- usly in impressive subglacial volcanic form- ations of pillow lavas and hyaloclastite along the volcanic zones (Fig. 3), and m extensive glacial erosion towards the co- asts. In general, Iceland is the scene of rapid geological processes, both construct- ive and destructive. In the article an at- tempt is made at a first-order estimate the rates of some of the major ones. The volume of volcanics erupted in Ice- land during the Holocene is estimated abo- ut 4 2 km3 per century. For comparison, the volume of the Laki 1783 lava flow is some 12 km3, similar to that of the largest lava shields in Iceland. The volume of the country above sea level is about 51,500 km3, equivalent to the volcanics produced in 1.2 Ma (million years). Therefore, over 90% of the rock ”created“ at the rift zones during the geological history of Iceland (14.5 Ma) has disappeared below sea level in one way or another. First, recycling of volcanics in the rift zone is considered. Comparing the rate of crust- al formation (200 km2/Ma per unit length; 10 km thick crust, 20 km/Ma spreading rate), the proportion of dykes in the crust (40%), and the rate of volcanic produc- tion, about 11% of rock must be recycled, i.e. remelted and brought to the surface again. Spreading, and volcanic activity, is confined to discrete fissure swarms in which the recycling should be considerably more rapid than the above average numb- er. In addition, the productivity varies along the rift zone (Fig. 2), with enhanced recycling in C Iceland compared to the distal ends of the rift zone, in keeping with the variation in “degree of evolution” of the basalts along the rift zone (Fig. 3, lower part). Second, the effects of thermal contraction in the crust are examined in terms of eqns. (1) to (3), shown in Fig. 5. Two-thirds of the crust produced sink below sea level due to cooling in the crust. Third, erosion rate estimated from sedi- ment transport of rivers is estimated 25,000 km3/Ma. Fourth, topographic analysis in two areas in Iceland indicated local erosion rates of 1 mm per 3 Ma and 15 Ma, respectively. The difference is partly due to selection of domain, one analysis taking only to mo- untain valleys, and neither analysis to the continuation of the valleys below sea level (fjords). Finally, the effects of isostacy are consi- dered, both sagging by sediment in S Ice- land, and isostatic rebound as a result of deglaciation and erosion (Fig. 6). The re- sults are summarized in Table 1, the bal- ance of which can be improved (6,000 vs. 40,000 km3) by assuming lower erosion rates in the Tertiary than indicated by the sediment load of present day rivers. 95
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