

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1997, Side 32

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1997, Side 32
818 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Neysluvenjur og misnotkun áfengis meðal íslenskra kvenna yfir 55 ára aldri Samanburður klínískra einkenna við lifrarpróf og meðalfrumurými rauðra blóðkorna Helgi G. Garðarsson1,2’, Þórður Harðarson1), Tómas Helgason2’ Garðarsson HG, Harðarson Þ, Helgason T Use and abuse of alcohol among elderly women in Iccland. Comparison of clinical svmptoms of abusc with liver function tests and mean corpuscular vol- ume Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 818-27 Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of alcohol abuse and dependency among elderly women in Iceland and to make an assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of liver function tests and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) in the diagnosis of alcohol abuse. Methods: The group was made of 280 women (age 55-74 years, mean age 61.9 years) from the Reykja- vík Study. The diagnoses were based on a question- naire (eight symptoms) which has been used in epi- demiological studies of alcoholism in Iceland since 1974. To this questionnaire there were added five questions aiding to the diagnosis of the lifetime prevalence rate of abuse. The CAGE questionnaire is implicated in this scale of 13 symptoms. Rcsults: Among 263 respondents (93.9%), there were 156 consumers (59.3%). Of the consumers 16% had at least one symptom indicating alcohol abuse. The diagnosis of abuse was made when three symptoms of eight occurred together. Abuse oc- cured among 2.6% of consumers (1.5% of respon- dents). Symptom triad of dependency occurred among 1.3% of consumers (0.8% of respondents). Frá 1,lyflækningadeild og 2lgeðdeild Landspitalans. Fyrir- spurnir, bréfaskipti: Þórður Harðarson, lyflækningadeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: áfengismisnotkun, lifrarpróf, konur. Heavy drinking was equally frequent as depend- ency. Mean values of gamma glutamyl transferase (G-GT) and MCV increase with increasing number of symptoms of abuse. The sensitivity of G-GT and MCV is low (20%) but the specificity is high (94%) for both. Bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase do nei- ther have a sensitivity nor specificity for the diagnos- is of abuse. Conclusion: These findings indicate that these blood tests are not a reliable method for the screening of alcohol abuse among elderly women. A question- naire searching for clinical symptoms of abuse is the best method for the diagnosis of abuse. Among elderly women, the symptom of guilty feelings con- nected to alcohol consumption, is the most sensitive indicator of abuse. But there are probably more women that experience guilty feelings than those which can be considered alcohol abusers. Keywords: alcohol abuse, liver function tests, women. Ágrip Tilgangur: Að kanna neysluvenjur og mis- notkun áfengis meðal eldri íslenskra kvenna og samtímis meta næmi og sértækni lifrarprófa og meðalfrumurýmis rauðra blóðkorna til grein- ingar á áfengismisnotkun. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknarhópurinn samanstóð af 280 konum á aldrinum 55-74 ára (meðalaldur 61,9 ár) úr fimmta áfanga hóp- rannsóknar Hjartaverndar. Greining áfengis- misnotkunar var byggð á átta einkenna skim- prófi, sem reynsla hefur fengist af við áfengis- rannsóknir hérlendis. Fimm spurningum, sem gefa vísbendingu um hvort misnotkun hafi ein- hvern tíma verið vandamál, var bætt við þetta skimpróf. Einkenni um áfengismisnotkun voru



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