

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1999, Page 23

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1999, Page 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 787 Nýgengi krabbameina meðal íslenskra iðnverkakvenna Hólmfríður K. Gunnarsdóttir1, Vilhjálmur Rafnsson2 Cancer incidence among Icelandic female industrial workers Gunnarsdóttir HK, Rafnsson V Læknablaðið 1999; 85: 787-96 Objective: The aim of the present study was to in- vestigate whether the cancer incidence pattern aniong unskilled female industrial workers in Iceland reflects a social divergence. Material and methods: The design was that of a retrospective cohort study. The cohort comprised 13,934 women who contributed to a pension fund for industrial workers in Reykjavík during the period 1970-1997. The follow-up time was 1975-1997. The cancer cases were found by record linkage with the Cancer Registry, and the rates compared to those of the general female population with indirect standar- disation. Standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated with and without 10 years lag-time, both for the co- hort as a whole and after the study group had been re- stricted to those who had contributed to the pension fund any time after reaching 20 years of age. Kesults: Results showed an excess of lung cancer, both when lag-time was applied and not applied, and before and after restriction had been made. SIRs for cervix cancer, and cancers of the colon, bladder, brain, connective tissue, and for cancers of the hema- topoietic system were moderately elevated. There was an excess of cancer of corpus uteri, especially when 10 years lag-time was applied, both in the whole group (SIR 1.67), and in the restricted cohort (SIR 1.69), and among those with a long employ- Frá ’atvinnusjúkdómadeild Vinnueftirlits ríkisins, zRann- sóknastofu í heilbrigðisfræði, Háskóla íslands. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Hólmfríður K. Gunnarsdóttir, atvinnusjúkdóma- deild Vinnueftirlits ríkisins, Bíldshöfða 16, 112 Reykjavík. Netfang: hkg@ver.is Lykilorð: krabbamein, nýgengi, konur, iðnverkakonur, þjóðfélagshópar. ment-time (SIR 1.79). No deficit was seen for breast cancer, whereas this was found for ovary cancer. Conclusions: The cancer pattern was in accordance with the results of other studies on women in this social category and indicates excessive smoking in the group. The excess of cancer of corpus uteri was unexpected. Because the group is burdened with various physical and chemical exposures at work, possible hazardous effects of these cannot be exclu- ded. Key words: cancer, incidence, women, factory workers, social category. Ágrip Tilgangur: Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvort félagslegur mismunur endur- speglist í krabbameinsmynstrinu hjá íslenskum iðnverkakonum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknarsniðið var afturskyggn hóprannsókn. í rannsóknarhópn- um voru 13.934 konur sem greiddu í lífeyris- sjóð félags verksmiðjufólks í Reykjavík á ára- bilinu 1970-1997. Fylgitíminn var 1975-1997. Upplýsingar um krabbamein í hópnum fengust nieð tölvutengingu á kennitölum við Krabba- meinsskrá. Gerð var óbein stöðlun, reiknuð stöðluð nýgengihlutföll (standardised incidence ratios, SIRs) og 95% öryggisbil (confidence intervals, CI), með og án 10 ára biðtíma (lag- time), bæði fyrir hópinn í heild og eftir að rann- sóknarhópurinn hafði verið takmarkaður við konur sem áttu greiðslu í lífeyrissjóðnum eftir að þær urðu tvítugar. Niðurstöður: Lungnakrabbamein var tíðara meðal iðnverkakvennanna en annarra, hvort heldur litið var á hópinn í heild eða eftir tak- mörkun og með og án biðtíma. Staðlað nýgengi- hlutfall leghálskrabbameins og krabbameina í ristli, þvagblöðru, heila, bandvef og í blóð- frumnamyndandi keifi var nokkuð hækkað. Ný-



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