

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1999, Qupperneq 41

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1999, Qupperneq 41
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 975 Þrí- og fjórburafæðingar á íslandi 1982-1998 Guðjón Vilbergsson, Sæmundur Haraldsson Vilbergsson G, Haraldsson S Higher order multiplc births in Ieeland 1982-1998 Læknablaðið 1999; 85; 975-80 Objective: To investigate the incidence of higher order multiple pregnancies in Iceland during the last 17 years. Background: The incidence of higher order multiple births has been rising in many countries during the last 10-20 years. This increase is mostly due to more successful treatment of infertility. In order to answer the question how the incidence of multiple pregnan- cies has been during recent years, the following study was undertaken. Material and methods: Informations about multiple pregnancies were gathered from the records of the Icelandic Birth Registry for the years 1982-1998. Results: There was a total of 73,164 births during this period, including 960 twins and 34 higher order multiple births (33 triplets and one quadruplets birth). The period was divided into the period prior to and after in vitro fertilisation - IVF. The latter period was then divided into two parts creating three groups with a similar total number of births that was nearly equally divided between these three groups. Twin births were 239, 298 and 423 in each group and the incidence increased from 1:103 to 1:85 and 1:55 as a proportion of total births in each period. The number of higher order multiple births was four, nine and 21 in the three periods giving an incidence of 1:6127, 1:2803 and 1:1116. There was therefore an increase in multiple births during this period and the increase in higher order multiples was greater than for twins. Frá Kvennadeild Landspítalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Guðjón Vilbergsson, Kvennadeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. Sími 560 1185, bréfsími: 560 1191, netfang: gammak@isholf.is Lykilorð: þungun, þríburar, fjötburar, fleirburar, meðgöngu- lengd, fæðingarþyngd, tiðni. Of the 103 higher order multiple babies bom four died, giving a perinatal mortality of 38.8%o. Mean gestational age at birth was 33.3 weeks, ranging from 27 to 37 weeks. All babies were delivered by Cesa- rean section. The first born baby of the triplets was generally the heaviest one and the last born the ligh- test. The mean birth weight of the last born was close to -2 standard deviation (SD) as compared with singletons of the same gestational age. Conclusions: The incidence of multiple births has been increasing in Iceland during the last 17 years and specially during the last decade. The increase is mostly in the era after IVF treatment became more successful. Keywords: triplets, multiple pregnancy, pregnancy, birth weight. Ágrip Tilgangur: Athuga tíðni þrí- og fjórbura- fæðinga á Islandi á síðustu 17 árum. Inngangur: Fleirburafæðingum hefur verið að fjölga víðs vegar í heiminum, aðallega vegna árangursríkari meðferða við ófrjósemi. Fleir- burafæðingum hafði farið fækkandi hér á ári, en margt bendir til að þeim sé að fjölga aftur. Efniviður og aðferðir: Upplýsingar voru fengnar úr fæðingartilkynningum hjá fæðingar- skráningunni urn fleirburameðgöngur fyrir árin 1982-1998. Reiknaðar voru tíðnitölur sem hlut- fall af öllum fæðingum og borið saman við töl- ur fyrir tvíburafæðingar. Tímabilinu var skipt upp í tíma fyrir og eftir glasafrjóvgun (in vitro fertilisation, IVF) og seinna tímabilinu skipt í tvö fímm og hálfs árs tímabil til að fá þá þrjá nokkuð jafnstóra hópa hvað varðar heildar- fjölda fæðinga. Niðurstöður: Alls voru 73.164 fæðingar á tímabilinu, þar af 960 tvíburar og 34 þrí- og fjórburar (þar af 33 þríburar og einir fjórburar).
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