Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1978, Side 28

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1978, Side 28
26 ræða 2 hryggþófa hjá sama sjúklingi. Þessi sjúklingur hafði verið skorinn upp fyrir 12 árum og kjarnarnir hreinsaðir út. í 2 tilfellum sýndi discografian rifur í aftara langband og í báðum tilfellum var um frí hryggþófahlaup að ræða. SUMMARY Discograyhia Lumbális Discography has been performed by the lateral method at the 3., 4. and 5. lumbar levels in 18 patients and 45 discs examined. Of these patients 14 were operated and 29 discs were surgically explored. The radiological diagnosis proved correct in 27 cases. A description of the methods of discography is given and the risks of complications dis- cussed. The various roentgenologic criteria that constitute the base of the diagnostics are ex- plained. HEIMILDIR 1. Bauer, D de F.: Dumbar Discography and Low Back Pain. Springfield, Thomas, 19-60. 2. Collis, Jr.John S.: Lumbar Discography, Charles C. Thomas 1962. 3. Erlacher P.: Nucleography. J.Bone & Joint Surg., 34-B:204-210. 4. Fernström U.: Discographical study of rup- tured lumbar intervertebral discs. Acta Chir.Scandinav.suppl, 258:1-60, 1960. 5. Hirsch Carl: Bröst- och Landryggrad. Nordisk lárbok i Ortopedi. Svenska Bok- förlaget/bonniers Stockholm, 1959. 6. Legré J., M.Dufour: A.Debaene, J.Dalmas et A.Burrou: La discographie lombaire. Neuro-Chirurgie, Paris 1971. Torne 17. no 7 pp. 559 á 578. 7. Lindblom, K.: Diagnostic puncture of inter- vertebral discs in sciatica. Acta Orthop. Scandinav., 17:231-239 1948, Nord.med, 38: 1256, 1948. 8. Nordby E.J., M.D.: 2704 Marshall Court Madison, WI 53705: Bréflegar upplýsingar. 9. Schaerer J.P.: A choise of contrast studies in the diagnosis of lumbar disc. problems. Archives Suisse de Neurologi, Neurochir- urgie et de Psychiatrie. Volurne 108 (1971), fascicule I pages 87-98. 10. Shapiro R.: Myelography. Year Book Medi- cal Publishers. 1968. 11. Wellauer J.: Discographie. Lehrbuch Der Röntgendiagnostik. Georg Thieme Verlag. Stuttgart 1965.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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