Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1978, Qupperneq 45

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1978, Qupperneq 45
43 sezt þar að og stundaði augnlækningar frá 20. sept. 1921. SUMMARY. EYE SURGERY AT ST. JOSEPHS HOSPITAL IN REYKJAVIK 1902 — 1923. Ever since St. Joseph’s Hospital in Reykjavík was founded in 1902 — seventy five years ago — the main Ophthalmic Service in Iceland has been located there. The first ophthalmologist in Iceland, dr. Björn Olafsson belongs to the small group of pioneers of modern medicine in Iceland about the turn of the century. His eye-surgery at the St. Joseph’s Hospital is recorded in Table 1. Beíore the hospitai was opened he penformed his operations in his patients’ own homö^. The most common operations were pro glau- coma simplex. The last year he lived, 1909, he performed 20 iridencleisis operations a.m. Holth, the first filtratating operations done in Iceland. Before that time iridectomies were the most prevalent operations for glaucoma. The most common cataract operation was von Graefe’s linear extraction of the lens. Plastic operations on the eyelids and face are especially notewortfiy. He was the first doctor in Iceland to transplant a skin-flap without a pedicle from a distant region. His first operation of that kind was per- formed already in 1894. The case histories printed in this paper are from Ólafsson’s pri- vate journals. The second eye-doctor in Iceland was Andrés Fjeldsted. He treated his patients in St. Joseph’s Hospital from the beginning of his career as an ophthalmologist in 1910 until his death in 1923, According to Table 1 the great majority of his operations were pro glaucoma. The first four years he did sclerectomies a.m. Lagrange, but after that he did corneo-scleral trepanatio a.m. Elliot. The first ophthalmologists in Iceland carried out work comparable with that done by their colleagues in neighbouring countries. HELSTU HEIMILDIR. Landsbókasafn íslands, handritadeild: Sjúkradagbækur Björns Ólafssonar „C, D“ óskráð. Skjalasafn Landakotsspítala: Sjúklingaskrá 1902 — 1923. Þjóðskjalasafn íslands: Ársskýrslur héraðslækna til land- læknis. XOKKKAil SJÚIŒASÖGUR FRÁ LANDAKOTSSPlTALA UR FÖRUM BJÖRNS OLAFSSONAR, AUGNLÆKN- IS, 1902-1909. 1. saga. 1/9/02 G.P.dóttir, Bjarghúsum í Höfnum, svo gott sem gdftj 59 ára. Cataracta senil. u.o. Epifora chr. Evers. Cat. mat. o.s., L og P. góö, Myoyia ca. 2,00 o.d. S = t.F. í 3 m. Can. inf. & sup. u.o<. Skorinn upp Z til 3/11. 9/11 gerö Cataractaextraction meö Iridectomia o.s. Ut/11 reind Extraction o.d. án Iridectomia, en Lens tíndist í Corpus vegna mirkus, Pt. lagöur á grúfu, en ekki tókst heldur aö ná Lens; nokkrum dögum síöar kom Irritation i augaö og Lens sást fram viö Iris aö ofan, var þá gerö Iridectomi að neöan og lens náö viö illan leik (vaxin viö corp. ciliarel. F.n. o.s. H + 9.00 S 5/18, les meö + 13.00 2. saga. 14/11/02 J. Þ.son, Vatnseiri v/PatreksfjörÖ, 38 ára. Sequlce Erysipelat, fasiei, Ectropion palp.sup.et inf. o.s. Keratit. sup. ulc. o.s. Pt. kveöst hafa fengiö Erysipelas fasiei firir 1 1/4 ári siöan meö Gangrœn á skinni augnlok- anna. Efra augnalokiö er talsvert ektropinoerað og sníst jafnvel stundum alveg um, en neöra lokiö er mest ektropioneraö í itri helmingnum. A, Psit., dagl. til 26/12 án þess aö Keratitinn vildi gróa, enda húsaöi undir allt efra augna- lokiö, svo aö augaö var aö kalia bert. 27/12 gerö í chloroformnarcose Operatíon ad. mod. Krause. SkurÖur geröur eftir endilöngu efra augnaloki parallelt meö Margo og augnáloks- röndin færö niður; annar skuröur tæpl. 2 cm. langur eftir itri liluta neöra augnatoks. Bœöi skinndefectin þakin skinni af innanverðum hægri upphandlegg. Asept. umbúðir. F.n., aö- eins dóu smáskörö í utanveröu efri bót(ar)- innar. Pt. fór 31/1 gróinn, bœtur þikkar, eink- um sú efri, en eru aö þinnast. 3. saga. 3/3/03 S.S.son, barnakennari, Mírarhúsum Seltjarnarnesi. Glaucoma chr. o.s. Opacitates corp. vitr. o.d. Choriodit. macuiœ tut. o.d. S = O o.s., hefur verkjaköst í því, og þaö er rautt, pupilUm víö, engin aögreining sjest i Fundus T +. — Eserin og seinna Pilocarpln dagl. tit 4/6 og frá 14/7 — 2/9, var þá verkur farinn og roöi oröinn miklu minni, en Pt. þoldi ekki aö tesa nema stutta stund í einu.
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