Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1978, Side 78

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1978, Side 78
76 greind(14). Þannig bíður greining ósjaldan fistilmyndana eða haematogen meinvarpa til húðar, sem liggja þá vel við höggi, með tilliti til ræktana og vefjaskoðana. Hér, sem oftar, er það meðvitundin um sjúkdóminn og þar með hæfilega hár grun- semdar-index, ásamt góðri samvinnu við skurðlækna og sérfræðinga í sýkingarsjúk- dómum og meinafræði, sem vænlegast er til réttrar sjúkdómsgreiningar. Því eru þessi tilfelli tínd til. — O — Höfundur þakkar Jónasi Hallgrímssyni, dósent, myndir af vefjasýnum og aðstoð við greiningu á fyrsta sjúklingnum, enn- fremur Þorkeli Bjarnasyni lækni, fyrir ljós- myndir af röntgenmyndum sama sjúklings. SUMMARY. Four cases of childhood actinomycosis in Ice- land are reported. They were seen over a seven year period in a pediatric unit with an annual admission rate of 1000-1100 patients. Three of the children had the commonest cervicofacial form, whereas the fourth pre- sented with the extremely rare form of primary pericardial actinomycosis, with subsequent metastases to skin and subcutaneous tissue finally making a diagnosis possible 4 months after admission. The importance of diligent search for the infective agent is emphasized, even continuing special anaerobie cultures for days after the institution of intensive antibiotic therapy in expectance of a diagnostic success. With appropriate anticipation and level of suspicion, more cases of actinomycosis would be expected to be identified. HEIMILDIR: 1. ) Bartlett, J.G. et al.: Treatment Of Anaerobic Infections With Lincomycin And Clindamycin. N.E.J.M. 287: 1006, 1972. 2. ) British Medical Journal: Actinomycosis, I: 365, 1973. 3. ) Butas, C.A. et al.: Disseminated Actinomy. cosis. C.M.A. Journal 103: 1063, 1970. 4. ) Datta, J.S., Raff, M.L.: Actinomycotic Pleuro- pericarditis. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 110: 338, 1974. 5. ) Drake, D.P., Holt, R.J.: Childhood Actinomy- cosis (Report of 3 recent eases). Arch. Dis. Child. 51: 979, 1976. 6. ) Graybill, J.R., Silverman, B.D.: Sulfur Granu- les. Arch. Int. Med. 123: 430, 1969. 7. ) Griiner, O.P.N.: Strálesoppsykdommen (Act- tinomykose-nocardiose). T. norske Læge- foren. 89: 1007, 1969. 8. ) Harvey, J.C. et al.: Aetinomycosis, Its Reco- gnition And Treatment. 'Ajnn. Int. Med. 6: 868, 1957. 9. ) Heilbrigðisskýrslur (Public Health in Ice- land), 1972. 10. ) Moses, J. et. al.: Actinomycosis In Childhood. Clin. Ped. 6: 221, 1967. 11. ) Rippon, J.W.: Bacteria v5. Fungi N.E.J.M.: Mar. 16, 606, 1972. 12. ) Rose, H.D., Rytel, M.W. Actinomycosis Trea- ted With Clindamycin. JAMA 221: 1052. 1972. 13. ) Slade, P.R. et al.: Thoracic Actinomycosis. Thorax 28: 73, 1973. 14. ) Varkey, B. et. al.: Thoracic Actinomycosis. Arch. Int. Med. 134: 689, 1974.


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