Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 15.12.1994, Síða 38

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 15.12.1994, Síða 38
34 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ/FYLGIRIT 27 HRYGGRAUFARRANNSÓKNIR E 39 Á MÖNNUM OG MÚSUM Ólafur Jensson1, Guðmundur Bjarnason 2 og Þórður Kristjánsson1. ’Erfðafræðideild Blóðbankans og 2Barnadeild Landspítalans, Landspítalinn, Reykjavík. A tæpum áratug hafa orðið miklar framfarir í rannsóknum á þeim genum lífvera, sem stjórna þroskun fóstra. Síðustu ár hafa rannsóknir á þroskunarstjóm- genum músa verið mjög árangursríkar (1) og hvetjandi fyrir þá sem fengist hafa við skyldar rannsóknir á mönnum. Reynst hefur mögulegt að nota stökkbreytt þroskunarstjórngen í músum til að bera kennsl á gen með svipað hlutverk hjá mönnum (1). Ánð 1985 kom prófessor R. Williamson til íslands og stofnað var til samvinnu mill St. Mary’s Hospital í London og erfðafræðideildar Blóðbankans um rannsóknir á arfgengum klofnum gómi og tunguhafti í samvinnu við lýtalækningadeild Landspítalans (2) og ári seinna einnig um rannsóknir á fjölskyldu með arfgenga hryggrauf (3, 4). Stóð sú samvinna til 1990 en þá var samið um rannsóknir á hryggrauf við erföafræðideild háskólans í Nijmegen í Hollandi (5). Með því tengjumst við fjölþjóð- legum rannsóknum á hryggrauf í músum og mönnum. Efnivið í annan áfanga rannsóknarsamvinnu okkar við Hollendinga var safnað í upphafi árs 1994. I tengslum við hann fer fram ættarrannsókn á íslenskum fjölskyldum, sem eignast hafa barn með hryggrauf. Skyldleiki fjölskyldnanna var kannaður með forriti sem skrifað var f Blóðbankanum. Tölvutæk gögn frá Erfðafræðinefnd H.I. voru fengin um fjölskyldurnar og tengsl þeirra athuguð með forritinu sem einnig breytir gögnunum á vinnanlegt form fyrir Cyrillic. Cyrillic er gagnagrunnur og teikniforrit sem auðveldar úrvinnslu og framsetningu rannsóknargagna og erfðaefnisvinnu á fjölskyldunum. Víxlverkanir erfða og umhverfisþátta koma hvergi skýrar fram en í áhrifum skaðlegra efna á þroskunar- stjórngen og geta þau leitt til vanmyndunar líkamsvefja af ýmsu tagi. Rannsóknir á slíkum genum er eitt af brýnustu viðfangsefnum erfðafræðinnar á okkar tímum. 1. Kessel M & Gruss P. (1990) Murine Developmental Control Genes. Science 249:374-379. 2. Moore GE et al. (1987) Linkage of an X-chromosome cleft palate gene. Nature 326:91-92. 3. Jensson O et al. (1988) A family showing apparent X linked inheritance of both anencephaly and spina bifida. Medical Genetics 25:227-229. 4. Newton R et al. (1994) Linkage analysis of 62 X- chromosomal loci excludes the X chromosome in an Icelandic family showing apparent X-linked recessive inheritance of neural tube defects. Clinical Genelics 45:241-249. 5. Hol FA et al. (1993) Exclusion mapping of the gene for X-linked neural tube defetts in an lcelandic family- Human Genelics 93:452-456. E 40 WILSON DISEASE IN ICELAND: A CLINICAL AND GENETIC STUDY. Gordon R. Thomas1-2, Olafur Jensson4, Gunnar Gudmundsson5, Leifur Thorsteinsson4 og Diane W. Cox 1.2.3 'Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, 2Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics and ^Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4Department of Medical Genetics, The Blood Bank and 5Department of Neurology, National University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland. A survey of Wilson disease (WND) in Iceland has revealed two large kindreds with affected individuals on the island. We have used single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct DNA sequencing to screen the two families for mutations in the ATP7B gene, which is defective in this diseasc. We have also carried out studies of DNA haplotypes of dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms (CA repeats) in this region. The same mutation, a seven base pair deletion, is present in both families (1) and clinical features are similar. A total of eight patients with Wilson disease have been diagnosed in three sibships of two kindreds. Their clinical symptoms, signs and biochemical and histological investigation confirmed the diagnosis in all cases. Two patients in family 2 died, a male age 23 and a female age 30. Three of the eight patients showed psychiatric symptoms, uncommon manifestations of the disease. Highly polymorphic microsatellite polymorphisms (CA repeats) were typed in selected members of all three sibships to determine the possible relationship of the mutalions in both families. Two haplotypes are present on the Wilson disease chromosomes in these families. Both families share one of the haplotypes (11-5-13-7) and a second is present in both sibships of family 2 (11-5-6-4). Analyses of normal and WND chromosomes from other populations have shown haplotype I to be present in other Northern European populations while haplotype 2 appears to be unique to WND chromosomes in Iceland. SSCP analysis of exon 7 resulted in the detection of a large band shift in the Icelandic patients . This shift was not seen in 58 other patients with Wilson disease, including seven of Scottish and one of Irish origin. Exon 7 was directly sequenced in DNA from patients and unaffected spouses. A deletion of 7 base pairs was found only in the patient samples . The deletion removes bases 2010 to 2016 of the coding region of the gene and results in a stop codon at that site (1). The direct PCR detection method works well for identification of this mutation. The results are clear and the analysis quick and easy to carry out. The haplotype data and nature of the mutation support the existence of a founder chromosome carrying the mutation. The Icelandic mutation was not found in patients of Irish and Scottish origins, who could share some of the Icelandic ancestral genes. I. Bull PC, Thomas GR, Rommens JM, Forbes JR and Cox DW (1993) Thc Wilson disease gene is a pulative copper transporting P-type ATPasc similar to the Mcnkcs gene. Nalure Genetics 5: 327-337.
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