Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2014, Side 24

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2014, Side 24
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 23(1) 201424 Hver j ir fara í kennaranám og Hvers vegna? Santoro, N. (2007). ’Outsiders’ and ’others’: ’Different’ teachers teaching in culturally diverse classrooms. Teachers and Teaching, 13(1), 81–97. doi:10.1080/1354060060110 6104 Säljö, R. (2003). Lärande i praktiken: Ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Stokkhólmur: Prisma. Sóley S. Bender. (2003). Rýnihópar. Í Sigríður Halldórsdóttir og Kristján Kristjánsson (ritstjórar), Handbók í aðferðafræði og rannsóknum í heilbrigðisvísindum (bls. 85–99). Akureyri: Háskólinn á Akureyri. Westbury, I., Hansén, S-E., Kansanen, P. og Björkvist, O. (2005). Teacher education for research-based practice in expanded roles: Finland´s experience. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49(5), 475–485. doi:10.1080/00313830500267937 Þórður Kristinsson. (2010). Bolognaferlið og Háskóli Íslands. Uppeldi og menntun, 19(1–2), 213–216. Greinin barst tímaritinu 2. mars 2012 og var samþykkt til birtingar 29. nóvember 2013 UM HÖfUnDinn Halla Jónsdóttir (halla@hi.is) er aðjunkt við Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands. Hún er með meistara- og licentiatgráðu í hugmynda- og vísindasögu frá Uppsalaháskóla. Rannsóknir hennar eru á sviði kennslufræði, menntunarsögu, fjölmenningar, lífsleikni og siðfræði. Who wants to enter teacher education, and why? The views of student teachers and secondary school students abstract This article is based on the findings of qualitative and quantitative research focusing on the views of those who entered the teacher education program at the Faculty of Teacher Education in the University of Iceland in 2009, as well as a group of students in their last year of secondary school. More precisely, the research sought to extract the participants’ views toward teacher education and compulsory school teaching. The research also examined the background of first year student teachers whose aim was to teach at grade school levels. The research was conducted in the schoolyear 2009–2010. A questionnaire was submitted to 118 students in their first year of teacher education, focusing on edu- cation in compulsory school, and to 44 secondary school students during their final year of study. In addition, focus groups were interviewed, comprising members from above-mentioned groups. The focus group was arbitrarily chosen, in total twelve stu- dent teachers and fifteen grade school students.
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