

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2008, Blaðsíða 55

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2008, Blaðsíða 55
U M R Æ Ð U R LYFJAIÐNAÐURINN OG Þ R 0 G FRÉTTIR ÓUNARLÖND Þakkir Birni Guðbjörnssyni og Védísi Skarphéðins- dóttur eru færðar bestu þakkir fyrir aðstoð við frágang greinarinnar. Greinin byggir að stofni til á fyrirlestri sem fluttur var á ársfundi Vísindasiðanefndar 2007. Heimildir 1. Benatar SR. Distributive Justice and Clinical Trials in the Third World. Theor Med 2001; 22:169-76. 2. Bhutta ZA. Ethics in international health research: a perspective from the developing world. Bull World Health Organ 2002; 80:114-8. 3. Anderson GF, Chu E. Expanding Priorities - Confronting Chronic Diseases in Countries with Low Income. N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 209-11. 4. Caballero B. Ethical issues for collabarative research in developing countries. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76: 717-20. 5. Hyder AA, Wali SA. Informed consent and collaborative research: perspectives from the developing world. Dev World Bioeth 2006; 6: 33-40. 6. www.ahrp.org/infomail/1200/20.php 7. Ford J, Tomossy G. Clinical Trials in Developing Countries: The Plaintiff's Challenge. Law, Social Justice & Global Development Joumal (LGD) 2004 (1). Nettímarit. _www2. warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/lgd/2004_l/ford/ 8. www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A11939- 2000Decl5 9. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/ article/2006/05/06/AR2006050601338.html 10. Killen J, Grady C, Folkers GK, Fauci AS. Ethics of clinical research in the developing world. Nat Rev Immunol 2002; 2: 210-5. 11. Charatan F. Surfactant trials in Latin America criticised. Brit Med J 2001; 322:575 12. Lackey DP. Clinical trials in Developing Countries: a review of the moral issues. Mt Sinai J Med 2001; 68: 4-12. 13. Lo B, Bayer R. Establishing ethical trials for treatment and prevention of AIDS in developing countries. BMJ 2003; 327: 337-9. 14. GhathiiJT. Third World perspectives on Global Pharmaceutical access. í: Santoro MA, Gorre TM ritstj. Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005: 336-51. 15. Kremer M. Pharmaceutical and the Developing World. J Econ Perspect 2002; 16: 67-90. 16. Kapczynski A. Strict Intemational Patent Laws Hurt developing Countries. YaleGlobal online 2002. Nettímarit. yaleglobal.yale.edu/article.print?id=562, 17. Musungu SF, Oh C. The Use of Flexibilities by TRIPS in Developing Countries:can they promote access to medicines? Genf: South Centre (WTO) 2005. 18. OXFAM. Patents versus Patients: Five years after the Doha Declaration. Oxfam briefing paper 95. Oxford: Oxfam 2006. 19. Mandavilli A. Petition aims to maintain cheap dmgs. Naturenews 2007. Nettímarit. www.nature.com/ news/2007/070115/pf/070115-l_pf.html 20. Mueller JM. Taking TRIPS to India - Novartis, Patent Law and Access to Medicines. N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 541-3. 21. www.nytimes.com/2007/08/07/business/worldbusiness/ 07drug.html?_r=l&ex=1189656000&en=b84b76bb0f750a0c& ei=5070&oref=slogin 22. Menkes DB. Hazardous Dmgs in Developing Countries. BMJ 1997; 315:1557-8. 23. Bhutta TA. Medicine and books. Deception and design: Pharmaceutical promotion in the third world. BMJ 1996; 313: 60. 24. Dukes G. The Law and Ethics of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2006 25. StahlL.www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11 /18/60minutes/ main656458.shtml 26. Bhatt A. "Bio-piracy" - a discussion of some important cases. The Singapore Law Gazette 2004. www.lawgazette.com. sg/2004-8/featurel.pdf 27. OXFAM, VSO og Save the Children: Beyond Philanthropy: the pharmaceutical industry, corporate social responsibility and the developing world. Oxford: Oxfam 2002. 28. Ringeling, AB: European Experience with Tools of Govemment. I: Salamon, LM ritst. Tools of Govemment. A Guide to the New Govemance. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002: 585-99. 29. Danska utanríkisráðuneytið. A World of Difference. The Govemment's Vision for New Priorities in Danish Development Assistance 2004-2008. www.um.dk/NR/ rdonlyres/44C6C9FF-55FF-4661-AF8F-668172F16C7C/0/ a_world_of_difference.pdf 30. Foege WH. Blurring the lines: Public and Private partnerships Addressing Global Health. í: Santoro, MA og Gorre, TM ritstj. Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005: 386-92. Fræðsludagur heimilislækna 29. febrúar og 1. mars 2008 Hinn árlegi fræðslu- og fagnaðardagur Félags íslenskra heimilislækna verður haldinn á Hilton hótelinu. Fræðsludagurinn hefst með vinnubúðum að kvöldi 29. febrúar og síðan verður hefðbundin dagskrá laugardaginn 1. mars. Öldrunarlæknar og endurhæfingarlæknar eru sem fyrr hjartanlega velkomnir. Dagurinn er skipulagður af FÍH og styrktur af AstraZeneca. Nánari dagskrá síðar. Fræðslunefnd FÍH AstraZeneca LÆKNAblaðið 2008/94 55
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