Læknablaðið - 15.12.2013, Page 16
Epidemiology of needlesticks at Landspítali University Hospital during the years 1986-2011
A descriptive study
Jelle AE', Hafsteinsdottir EJG', Gudlaugsson O2, Kristjansson Mz
Introduction: Needlesticks, bodyfluid exposure and bites (incident) put
healthcare workers (HCWs) at risk of hepatitis B, C and HIV particularly
if patients are infected (high risk incident). The risk of infection is grea-
test from bore-hollow needles. The aim of the study was to describe
the epidemiology of reported incidents and evaluate underreporting by
HCWs at Landspítali University Hospital (LUH).
Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of reported incidents during
1986-2011. The ratio of incidents was calculated according to the HCWs
age and profession and distribution by source and wards. The ratio
of high risk incidents and vaccination status against HBV at time of
incident was determined as well as underreporting during 01.01.2005-
Results: At ieast 4089 incidents occured during the study period but
3587 were reported and blood samples taken from 2578 patients. App-
roximately a third of the incidents were associated with non-compliance
with standard precaution and 54,7% of needlesticks were associated
with bore-hollow needles. Few reports came from physicians and
medical students (17,9%). During the study period 50,3% HCWs were
vaccinated against HBV at time of incident. High risk incidents were
94 (2.6%), mostly related to hepatitis C (64,9%). Two HCWs became
infected with HCV. During 2005-2011 underreporting was estimated to
be 28,0%.
Conclusion: Improved education of standard precaution when hand-
ling needles and sharps at LUH may reduce the number of incidents.
Introduction of safety-needles and safety-devices may greatly reduce
needlesticks as a large number of incidents were associated with hollow
needles. Improved HBV vaccination among HCWs and reporting inci-
dents should be encouraged.
Key words Sharps and needlestick injuries blood and bodyfluid exposure, health care worker Bloodborne pathogens HBV vaccination coverage. occupational heaith.
Correspondence: Ásdis Elfarsdóttir Jelle, asdiself@landspitali.is
'Department of quality and infection control, Department ofinternal medicine at Landspitati University Hospital.
564 LÆKNAblaðið 2013/99