Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.07.1999, Blaðsíða 64
„Öryggi í umhverfinu“
3rd Nordic Safe Community
Hótel Loftleiðir, Reykjavík
25. -28. ágúst
Ráðstefna á vegum Slysavarnafélags
fslands, „Safe communities" er eitt af
þeim verkefnum sem WHO hefur ýtt úr
vör, en það nær yfir alla slysaflokka, s.s.
slys í heimahúsum, vinnuslys, frítímaslys,
slys á börnum, slys á öldruðum o.fl.
Upplýsingar fást hjá Ráðstefnum og
fundum, s. 554 1400
Börn og áföll
Ráðstefna á vegum Rauða kross íslands
Grand Hótel, Reykjavík
26. -27. ágúst 1999
Nordisk symposium
Sjukhusansluten hemsjukvárd í
Helsingfors, Finnlandi
8. -9. september 1999
Heimasíða: www.hel.fi/terw/
Norræn geðhjúkrunarráðstefna
Ápenhet - kunnskap/ekspertise i forhold
til pasienten/párorende/samfundet
Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð
9. -11. september 1999
1st International Conference on
Promoting Mental Health at School
Helsinki, Finnlandi
13.-14. september 1999
Netfang: harri.vertio@health.fi og
Demensomsorg og behandling
Forskning og utviklingsarbeid
Ósló, Noregi
15.-17. september 1999
13. Latin American Congress of
6. Cuban Congress of Surgery
Havana, Kúbu
19.-24. september 1999
Myndsími +(537)
Netfang: eva@palco.get.cma.net
VIII International Symposium on
Torture as a Challenge to the Health,
Legal and Other Professions
New Delhi, Indlandi
22. -25. september 1999
Netfang: irct@irct.org
7. Nordiske Konference i
Psykosocial Onkology
Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku
23. -25. september 1999
Netfang: LDM@cancer.dk
Nursing Theories - 2nd International
Nurnberg, Þýskalandi
23.-25. september 1999
Bréfasími ++49-911-3931666
Evidence for the future
The 5th Network For Psychiatric Nursing
Research Conference
Oxford, Bretlandi
29.-30. september 1999
Nánari upplýsingar: Adam Berthoud,
Royal College of Nursing, 20 Cavendish
Square, London WIM OAB, sími + 0171
647 3579
Spirituality and health
The third major international conference
to explore the relationship between
spirituality, health and healing
Cumbria, Bretlandi
29. september til 1. október 1999
Netfang: JeannieSA_@compuserve.com
5. Norræna ráðstefna um athyglis-
brest, misþroska og ofvirkni
Hótel Loftleiðum, Reykjavík
8. og 9. október
Nánari upplýsingar: Málfríður Lorange,
netfang fridalor@rsp.is, og Matthías
Kristiansen, netfang mattkri@simnet.is
14th Annual Pediatric Nursing Conference
Orlando, Flórída, Bandaríkjunum
21 -23. október 1999
Beijing International Nursing
Conference 1999
Peking, Kína
25.-28. október 1999
Nánari upplýsingar:
Netfang gfguo@ihw.com.cn
The leadership experience
International Workshop for Nursing Leaders
San Diego, Kaliforníu, Bandaríkjunum
25. -29. október 1999
Netfang: jlpo@xs4all.nl
2nd International workshop on the
promotion of health-enhancing
physical activity (HEPA)
Tampere, Finnlandi
31. október til 3. nóvember 1999
Netfang: Hannele.Hiilloskorpi@uta.fi
International Seminar
Violence and Adolescence
Jerúsalem, ísrael
15.-18. nóvember 1999
Netfang: isas@netvision.net.il
The 9th International Conference on
Safe Communities
Dhaka, Bangladesh
26. -28. febrúar 2000
Heimasíða: www.ciionline.org/fiwoco/
The Leadership Experience
International Workshop for Nursing
15.-19. maí 2000
Netfang: jlpo@xs4all.nl
10th Biennial Conference of Work-
group of European Nurse
Researchers - WENR á íslandi árið
25. -27. maí 2000
Skipuleggjendur: Félag íslenskra
hjúkrunarfræðinga og undirbúningshópur
25th National Primary Care Nurse
Practitioner Symposium
sponsored by the University of Colorado
Health Sciences Center School of
13.-16. júlí 2000
Keystone Resort, Colorado,
Skiladagur útdrátta 15. júlí 1999
Netfang nps@uchsc.edu
Third International Conference of the
Global Network of WHO
Collaborating Centers for Nursing
and Midwifery
Manchester, Bretlandi
26. -28. júlí 2000
Netfang: Nursing2000@concorde-
6th World Congress for Nurse
Anesthetists Scientific Program -
Bringing Together a World of
Chicago, lllinois, Bandaríkjunum
5.-10. ágúst 2000.
Emergency Nursing 2000 and Beyond:
An international conference to celebrate
advances in emergency care
Edinborg, Skotlandi
17.-20. ágúst 2000
Netfang: kathryn.clark@ren.org.uk
The fourth International Congress on
Thanatology and Suicidology
Death, Dying and Suicide
Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð
28.-30. ágúst 2000
Skilafrestur útdrátta 1. febrúar 2000
Netfang: stocon@stocon.se
Heimasíða: www.his.ki.se/dds2000
8th International
Nurse Practitioner Conference
„Entering the New Millennium"
San Diego, Kaliforníu, Bandaríkjunum
28. sept. til 1. október 2000
Heimasíða: www.aanp.org
Netfang: conference@aanp.org
Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga • 3. tbl. 75. árg. 1999