
Jökull - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 4

Jökull - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 4
L. Kristjánsson opposite to it. The average VRM intensity in lavas may be of the order of 0.3 Am−1, but in some rock samples it exceeds their TRM intensity. Remanence intensities of 40 Am−1 or more are only found in very rare and isolated cases (apart from lightning strikes). Fresh Quaternary basalts may have a stronger average remanence than the Tertiary lavas, possibly 6 Am−1 (Kristjánsson, 1970, and other data) and distinctly lower susceptibility. Regional hydrothermal alteration tends to cause a progressive decrease in the intensity of primary remanence of lavas (Fig. 13 of Watkins and Walker, 1977). This decrease, along with enhanced tendency for VRM buildup, may reach significant pro- portions already at the upper boundary of the analcime zeolite zone, but the matter requires further study. Geological research Detailed geological studies in the Stardalur anomaly area (Friðleifsson and Tómasson, 1972; Friðleifsson and Kristjánsson, 1972; Friðleifsson, 1973, 1985) re- vealed the presence of an extinct and eroded volcanic complex. This complex is manifested by a caldera of about 6.5 km in diameter as well as cone sheets, rhyo- lite and dolerite intrusions, and small plugs around the caldera rim. See Fig. 1 of Friðleifsson and Kristjáns- son (1972), which is also reproduced as Fig. 1b of Vahle et al. (2007). The southern half of the rim is covered by the so-called „Reykjavik gray basalts“, a lava sequence of Late Quaternary interglacial age which is widespread in this region. The main peak of the ground magnetic anomaly lies about 0.5 km in- side the easternmost part of the caldera fault (Figure 1, inset). Pálmason (1971) found by refraction seismic measurements that „Layer 3“ (with a p-wave veloc- ity of 6.5 kms−1) of the crust reaches up to 0.5 km depth under the Stardalur area. According to his re- sults, the upper surface of this layer (presumed to be an intrusive complex of gabbroic cumulates) usually lay at 2.5–4 km depth outside the volcanic zones of Iceland. An extensive project of sampling lava flows for stratigraphic mapping and paleomagnetic studies in mountains northwest and north of the Stardalur caldera was initiated in 1973 (Kristjánsson et al., 1980). Most of these lava flows had reverse mag- netic polarity. A K-Ar age determination on a nor- mally magnetized rhyolitic hyaloclastite belonging to the latest phase of the volcanism yielded an age of about 1.9 m.y. (when recomputed with current de- cay constants). It may therefore be expected that the thick mostly reversely magnetic lava sequence found in the above sampling project belongs to the lower part of the Matuyama geomagnetic chron. Also, rocks of Matuyama age probably cause the wide negative anomaly lineation through Stardalur. If the localized magnetic anomaly there is due to rocks of compara- ble age as the acidic hyaloclastite, these rocks might accordingly date from the Reunion or Olduvai sub- chrons at 2.1 and 1.9–1.8 m.y. respectively. They may also be of the same age as the thin N3 polarity zone of lava flows originally mapped by T. Einarsson and Þ. Sigurgeirsson in the 1950s (see Goguitchaichvili et al., 1999). DRILLING AT STARDALUR, AND STUDIES ON THE DRILL CORE IN 1969–1973 Drill holes and sampling of nearby outcrops The enigmatic nature of the Stardalur magnetic anomaly contributed to a decision to drill three holes within the Stardalur caldera in 1969–1970, by the Na- tional Energy Authority of Iceland. Hole 1 was lo- cated at the main peak of the magnetic anomaly. Be- low fresh olivine tholeiite lavas (of the Reykjavik gray lava sequence) and tuff-breccia, the drill entered al- tered but strongly magnetic olivine tholeiite lava flows at 41 m depth (Friðleifsson and Tómasson, 1972). A continuous 6 cm diameter core was recovered down to 143 m, and cuttings to 200 m. According to drill logs and inspection of the core, there were some 20 lavas present in the 41–200 m interval, without significant interbeds. Drill hole 2 inside the caldera about 2 km to the west of the first hole encountered mostly tuffs and minor intrusives to 240 m depth. Hole 3 another 2 km to the west passed through 90 m of lavas and in- trusives which to our knowledge did not have unusual magnetic properties. Various surface outcrops (dikes, cone sheets, pil- lows, gabbros etc.) were sampled in the early 1970s 4 JÖKULL No. 63, 2013
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