
Jökull - 01.01.2013, Side 9

Jökull - 01.01.2013, Side 9
The Stardalur magnetic anomaly, SW-Iceland to the tip of the Kjalarnes promontory (Figure 1). Gunnlaugsson et al. (2008) obtained Mössbauer spec- tra on strongly magnetized intrusive rocks from the Kjalarnes coast, suggesting that their remanence re- sides in titanomaghemite. Pálmason’s (1971) results on the upwarping of his crustal Layer 3 at Stardalur were confirmed by Bjar- nason et al. (1993). They found that the depth to the lower crust (defined by a sharp change in the p-wave velocity gradient at about 6.5 km/s) was 2.5 km at Stardalur. A similar upwarping of the lower crustal layers from its mean depth of 4.5 km has been noted beneath both active and extinct volcanic complexes in Iceland (Flóvenz and Gunnarsson, 1991; Brandsdóttir and Menke, 2008). RESEARCH ON THE STARDALUR CORE IN 2008–2010 We have carried out measurements of magnetic sus- ceptibility in those 95 of Þ. Búason’s (1971) 102 3- cm core specimens which are still preserved at the University of Iceland, using a Bartington MS2 audio- frequency susceptibility bridge (lower graph of Figure 2). The average value of susceptibility χ in these (in- cluding data for two of the lost specimens) is 0.067 SI units, similar to that found by Búason (1971). A lower average evident in Fig. 2 of Vahle et al. (2007) appears to be due to a calibration error. Within- and between- lava variations in susceptibility in the core are less pronounced than those in remanence intensity (Fig- ure 2), as is generally the case with lava flows (e.g. Table 1a of Bleil et al., 1982). There is a slight posi- tive correlation (R2 = 0.31) between the susceptibility and the NRM intensity, assuming direct proportion- ality. A positive correlation is in agreement with the observation of Steinþórsson and Sigvaldason (1971) who noted that the oxidation state of the titanomag- netite was always high: large variations in oxidation would tend to cause a negative correlation between these parameters (Wilson et al., 1968). Vahle et al. (2007) who fitted the susceptibility and intensity data from 20 samples (including some at less than 41 m depth) with a power law, had found a higher correla- tion coefficient. Roughly, the susceptibility of a basalt sample is proportional to its magnetite content, with 1 vol. % magnetite causing a χ of 0.027 SI units. If al- lowance is made for the variable purity of magnetite in Icelandic Tertiary basalts, it may be estimated that they contain on average about 1% of magnetite by vol- ume, and the Stardalur lavas 2.5%. The question of the presence of single-domain magnetite in the Stardalur core has already been con- sidered above. A common procedure for evaluating the overall domain state of a magnetic sample is to take it through a hysteresis loop to its saturation mag- netization. The ratio of saturation remanence to sat- uration magnetization (Mrs/Ms) obtained from such a loop may be plotted against the ratio between two coercive forces (Hcr/Hc), i.e. the external fields re- quired to null the remanence and the total magneti- zation respectively. A relatively high value (0.5–1) of the former ratio in a sample combined with a low value (which usually means less than 1.5 or 2) of the latter is considered to indicate the presence of single- domain magnetite. Several published studies on Ice- landic basalt lavas, connected with attempts at deduc- ing paleo-field intensities (e.g. Fig. 3a of Brown et al., 2006), have shown that their Mrs/Ms vs. Hcr/Hc val- ues mostly fall in an intermediate category on these so-called Day plots. The intermediate behavior may be due to all the magnetic grains being composed of a small number of magnetic domains each (termed pseudo-single-domain grains), and/or to the sample consisting of a mixture of single-domain and multi- domain grains. Such plots therefore provide only a rather qualitative criterion for the effective grain size, and opinions on their detailed interpretation have var- ied considerably (Dunlop, 2002). Day-plot data reported by Kristjánsson et al. (2010; S. A. McEnroe, pers. comm., 2010) on 12 samples from the original Stardalur core showed that they had Mrs/Ms values well below 0.5, like Ice- landic lavas in general. Further work on these as- pects is in progress. Alternating field demagnetiza- tion of NRM was carried out on small arbitrarily ori- ented pieces from seven strongly magnetized samples (depths: 47.6, 59.8, 84.3, 87.7, 96.6, 101.0 and 139.7 m), using a Molspin two-axis tumbler demagnetizer. As had been found for four samples in 1970 and the JÖKULL No. 63, 2013 9
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