
Jökull - 01.01.2013, Síða 13

Jökull - 01.01.2013, Síða 13
The Stardalur magnetic anomaly, SW-Iceland (Sigurgeirsson, 1970b,c, 1979) which in turn aided in identifying hidden remains of other such centers (Kristjánsson et al., 1977; Kristjánsson, 1987). In the case of the Stardalur anomaly, much progress was made in 1968–1973 by locating its main peak, drilling to obtain samples from what appears to be the main source body of this peak, and studying their proper- ties. However, the momentum in mapping of both the volcanic centers in Iceland and the lava pile outside the currently active volcanic zones has diminished somewhat since 1980. Therefore, our understanding of the geophysical anomalies accompanying the cen- ters is still very uncertain. Thus, the Reykjavík (Jóns- son and Kristjánsson, 2002) and Stardalur anomalies are almost the only ones where detailed magnetic sur- veys have been carried out in the last three decades. Indeed the general problem of the origin of anomaly lineations in Iceland has not been solved: for instance, it is not known whether the positive anomalies which coincide with fissure swarms on the Reykjanes penin- sula (Kristjánsson, 1970, 1972) are due to primary or secondary remanence or even to induced magnetiza- tion, in buried extrusives and/or intrusives. As stated above, our general conclusion is that the Stardalur magnetic anomaly peak is due a se- quence of lava flows which were erupted in rapid suc- cession within a caldera. These along with much of the other caldera-filling material were emplaced in a short period (subchron) of normal geomagnetic polarity within a long reverse-polarity chron, pre- sumably the Matuyama. The lavas had high con- centrations of unusually pure magnetite which ap- pears in part to be produced from titanomagnetite by solvus exsolution, in part to consist of a fine-grained type derived from olivine by high-temperature oxy- exsolution. The magnetic phases do not give rise to single-domain magnetic properties in the bulk rock, as would be observed in for instance the shape of strong- field hysteresis curves (Day plots) or high median de- structive fields of the natural remanence. However, the properties of the core samples are also not entirely characteristic for multi-domain magnetite, cf. the to- tal absence of viscous magnetization. It is clear that unusual coinciding factors caused the lavas at Stardalur to have a mean remanent magne- tization intensity of around 15 times that for Tertiary lavas in Iceland. Some authors (e.g. Helgason et al., 1990; Vahle et al., 2007) consider this strong rema- nence to have been caused by secondary hydrothermal alteration, but the question of what processes could have brought such alteration about in Stardalur and not in general elsewhere, remains open. Judging from the stability and uniformity of the remanence direc- tions in the drill core, it seems more plausible that the remanence is largely primary, dating from a period of rapid filling of the caldera by extrusives. However, in that case it needs to be explained how the lavas retained their strong remanence intensity through the hydrothermal alteration which they have clearly suf- fered. The presence of a relatively intense ambient ge- omagnetic field would have aided in the acquisition of the strong remanent magnetization, regardless of whether this remanence was of primary or secondary origin. Unfortunately, currently available methods are unlikely to be successful in determining the paleo- field intensity. So far, not much has been found out about the origin and the shaping of the source struc- ture, or why its lavas originally acquired their peculiar chemical and petrographic properties. It is clear that much additional geophysical and geological work needs to be done at the central- volcano complexes of Iceland. This need is exem- plified by the magnetic anomaly at Hvanneyri (Sig- urgeirsson, 1979; Figure 5a,b) whose main peak has interesting similarities with the Stardalur anomaly. The source of the Hvanneyri anomaly may lie in for- mations related to the Hafnarfjall volcano and its as- sociated gravity anomaly; alternatively, it seems pos- sible that these belong to a separate volcanic center extending across the innermost part of Borgarfjörður. The relation of these formations to the major uncon- formity in the Borgarfjörður area (see Jóhannesson and Sæmundsson, 2009) is also uncertain. Acknowledgements Þorbjörg Ágústsdóttir carried out the gravity mea- surements at Stardalur. Finnur Pálsson processed the magnetic field data and drafted Figure 3, Rósa Ólafs- dóttir drafted the other figures. The author acknowl- edges constructive reviews of the original manuscript JÖKULL No. 63, 2013 13
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