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Jökull - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 80

Jökull - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 80
P. Crochet Table 4. Differences in the median or mean of various hydro-climate variables (Table 2) between warm and cold years (∆ = Median[warm] – Median[cold] and θ = E[warm]/E[cold]). Statistically significant changes at the 10% and 5% levels are marked with a * and **, respectively. – Mismunur á milli hlýrra og kaldra ára (∆ = hlýtt – kalt, θ = hlýtt/kalt). Tölfræðilegur marktækur mismunur miðað við 10% líkur er sýndur með * og miðað við 5% líkur með **. Variable / Gauging station VHM- VHM- VHM- VHM- VHM- VHM- VHM- VHM- 19 10 26 145 144 66 64 96 ∆ (AT) (◦C) 1.4** 1.3** 1.2** 1.1** 1.1** 1.2** 1.3** 1.3** ∆ (AP)/AP-cold (%) 6 2 –4 –12 –17** 18. 16* 21** ∆ (AR)/AR-cold (%) 53** 12 –3 15 6 28** 27** 50** ∆ (AWR)/AWR-cold (%) 6* 2 –2 2 –2 22** 18** 20** ∆ (AQ)/AQ-cold (%) 13** –6 –11 9 4 18** 11** 12** ∆ (AMS)/AMS-cold (%) –25 –41* –40** –36** –39** –8 –20 –16** ∆ (DAMS) (days) –20** –41 –71* –20** –21** –26** –11 –16 ∆ (ASD) (days) –63* –38** –60** –18* –29** –33 –45* –34* ∆ (ASR)/ASR-cold (%) –16 1 –6 –21** –26** –1 –7 –5* ∆ (AGR)/AGR-cold (%) NA NA NA 24** 29** 39** 43** 32** ∆ (AGD) (days) NA NA NA 21** 20** 24** 22** 17** ∆ (CTS) (days) –30** –30** –67** –37** –27** –33** –42** –28** ∆ (CTW) (days) –46** –40** –49** –25** –20** –24** –43** –30** ∆ (CTQ) (days) –64** –35** –48.5** –27** –15** –7** –15** –35** ∆ (AMF)/AMF-cold (%) 27 –21 –29** 1 –15 8** 16 65** ∆ (DAMF) (days) –186 –30** –77* –25** –25** –25 2 –52** ∆ (SMF)/SMF-cold (%) –21 –24 –25** –9 –15 33 13 39* ∆ (DSMF) (days) 0 –23** –31 –25** –25** –37** –43** –49** θ (FOR): POT-3 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.7 1.7* 1.4 3.3** θ (FOR): POT-2 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.7 2.9** 2.4** 4.1** with elevated temperatures in catchments where total water input runoff (AWR) increased, in the south, west and northwest, but remained unchanged elsewhere. Higher temperatures significantly shifted the cen- ter of volume dates of snowmelt (CTS), total water input (CTW) and streamflow (CTQ) of all catchments, by several weeks in all three cases. This indicates that the earlier timing of the bulk of snowmelt runoff con- trols the timing of the bulk of streamflow of the rivers in question. An increased ratio of winter rainfall to snowfall could also account for some of these stream- flow timing changes for some catchments. A signif- icant correlation was usually observed between CTQ and CTS (0.2 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.68; p <1%) and between CTQ and CTW (0.16 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.64; p <1%). The smallest CTQ shifts were observed at VHM-64 and VHM-66, probably due to the buffering effect of groundwater aquifers. The timing of the spring flow peak (DSMF) was shifted several weeks earlier in warm years com- pared to cold years in most catchments, due to an early onset of snowmelt, except for the two northernmost catchments. However, the spring flow peak magnitude remained mostly the same between cold and warm years. Annual flow peaks are often observed in spring, during the snowmelt season, or autumn and winter, during the passage of cyclones with heavy rain and/or snowmelt. The proportion of these different types of events is variable between watersheds. The timing of the annual flow peak was earlier in warm years than in cold years in the north and south, similar as for the spring flow peak, and also in the north- east, but remained unchanged for the northwestern catchment and the two southwestern catchments with large groundwater aquifers. The annual flow peak magnitude significantly increased in response to in- 80 JÖKULL No. 63, 2013
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