

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2017, Síða 58

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2017, Síða 58
Náttúrufræðingurinn 58 Þakkir Höfundar þakka Evu Maríu Ingvadóttir fyrir góðar ábendingar og yfir- lestur. Heimildir 1. Goldemberg, J. 2008. Environmental and ecological dimensions of biofu- els. Í: Proceedings of the Conference on the Ecological Dimensions of Biofuels. Washington. 1–17. 2. Venkata Mohan, S. & Pandey, A. 2013. Biohydrogen production: An introduction. Bls. 1–24 í: Biohydrogen (ritstj. Pandey, A., Chang, J.-S., Hallenbeck, P.C. & Larroche, C.) Elsevier, Amsterdam. 3. Wang, J. & Wan, W. 2009. Factors influencing fermentative hydrogen production: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34. 799–811. 4. Hallenbeck, P.C., Abo-Hashesh, M. & Ghosh. D. 2012. Strategies for improving biological hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology 111. 1–9. 5. Levin, D.B., Pitt, L. & Love, M. 2004. Biohydrogen production: prospects and limitations to practical application. International Journal of Hydro- gen Energy 29. 173–185. 6. 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Description of Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus gen. nov., sp. nov.: an obligately anaerobic extremely thermophilic, cellulolytic bacterium FEMS Microbiology Letters 120. 263–266. 13. Taylor, M.P., Eley, K.L., Martin, S., Tuffin, M.I., Burton, S.G. & Cowan, D.A. 2009. Themophilic ethanologenesis: future prospects for second generation bioethanol production. Trends in Biotechnology 27. 398–405. 14. Sanchez, R.G., Karhumaa, K., Fonseca, C., Nogue, V.S., Almeida, F.R.M., Larsson, C.U., Bengtsson, O., Bettinga, M., Hahn-Hagerdal, B. & Gorwa- Grauslund, M.F. Improved xylose and arabinose utilization by an indus- trially recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisae strain using evolutionary engineering. Biotechnology for Biofuels 3. 1–11. 15. Stams, A.J.M. & Hansen, J.A. 1981. Fermentation of glutamate and other compounds by Acidaminobacter hydrogenoformans gen. nov. sp. nov., an obligate anaerobe isolated from black mud. Studies with pure cultures and mixed cultures with sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria. Archives of Microbiology 137. 329–337. 16. Parte, A.C. 2014. LPSN – List of prokaryotic names with standing in nomenclature. Nucleic Acid Reserach. 42. D613–D616. 17. Euzéby, J.P. 1997. List of bacterial names with standing in nomenclature: A folder available on the internet. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 47. 590–592. 18. Cann, I.K., Stroot, P.G., Mackie, K.R., White, B.A. & Mackie, R.I. 2001. Characterization of two novel saccharolytic, anaerobic thermophiles, Thermoanaerobacterium polysaccharolyticum sp. nov. and Thermoanaerobac- terium zeae sp. nov., and emendation of the genus Thermoanaerobacterium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51. 293–302. 19. Máney Sveinsdóttir, Steinar Rafn Beck Baldursson & Jóhann Örlygsson. 2009. Ethanol production from monosugars and lignocellulosic biomass by thermophilic bacteria isolated from Icelandic hot springs. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 22. 45–58. 20. Kublanov, I.V., Prokofeva, M.I., Kostrikina, N.A., Kolganova, T.V., Tourova, T.P., Wiegel, J. & Bonch-Osmolovskaya, E.A. 2007. Thermoanaerobacterium aciditolerans sp. nov., a moderate thermoacidophile from a Kamchatka hot spring. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Micro- biology 57. 260–264. 21. Ren, N., Cao, G., Wang, A., Lee, D., Guo, W. & Zhu, Y. 2008. Dark fermen- tation of xylose and glucose mix using isolated Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33. 6124–6132. 22. Cao, G.-L., Ren, N., Wang, A., Lee, D., Guo, W., Liu, B., Feng, Y. & Zhao, Q. 2009. Acid hydrolysis of corn stover for biohydrogen production using Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34. 7182–7188. 23. 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Glucose fermentation to acetate, CO2 and H2 in the anaerobic hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima – involvement of the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. Archives of Microbiology 161. 460–470. 27. Munro, S.A., Zinder, S.H. & Walker, L.P. 2009. The fermentation stoichi- ometry of Thermotoga neapolitana and influence of temperature, oxygen, and pH on hydrogen production. Biotechnology Progress 25. 1035–1042. 28. van Niel, E.W.J., Budde, M.A.W., de Haas, G.G., van der Wal, F.J., Claaas- en, P.A.M. & Stams, A.J.M. 2002. Distinctive properties of high hydrogen producing extreme thermophiles, Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus and Thermotoga elfii. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27. 1391–1398 29. Yang, S.J., Kataeva, I., Wiegel, J., Yin, Y., Dam, P., Xu, Y., Westpheling, J. & Adams, M.W.W. 2010. Classification of “Anaerocellum thermophilum” strain DSM 6725 as Caldicellulosiruptor bescii sp. nov. 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Hydrogen production by moderate thermophilic Clostridium bacterium, strain AK14 from sugars and ligno- cellulosic biomass. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 23. 61–75. 34. Collet, C., Schwitzgübel, J.P. & Peringer, P. 2003. Improvement of acetate production from lactose by growing Clostridium thermolacticum in mixed batch culture. Journal of Applied Microbiology 95. 824–831. 35. Soboh, B., Linder, D. & Hedderich, R. 2004. A multisubunit membrane- bound [NiFe] hydrogenase and an NADH-dependent Fe-only hydroge- nase in the fermenting bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis. Microbiology 150. 2451–2461. 36. Ciranna, A., Pawar, S.S., Santala, V., Karp, M. & van Niel, E.W.J. 2014. Assessment of metabolic flux distribution in the thermophilic hydrogen producer Caloramator celer as affected by external pH and hydrogen partial pressure. Microbial Cell Factories 13. 48. 37. Zhao, C.X., O-Thong, S., Karakashev, D., Anglidaki, I., Lu, W.J., Want, H.T. 2009. High yield simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production under extreme thermophilic (70°C) mixed culture environment. Interna- tional Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34. 5657–5665. 38. Kanai, T., Imanaka, H., Nakajima, A., Uwamori, K., Omori, Y., Fukui, T., Atomi, H. & Imanaka, T. 2005. Continuous hydrogen production by the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. Journal of Biotechnology 116. 271–282. 39. Rickenberg, F., Gotz, K., Hilterhaus, L., Liese, A. & Zeng, A.P. 2014. Strat- egies for reliable and improved large-scale production of Pyrococcus furiosus with integrated purification of hydrogenase I. Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering 37. 2475–2482. 40. Hrönn Brynjarsdóttir, Sean Michael Scully & Jóhann Örlygsson. 2013. Production of biohydrogen from sugars and lignocellulosic biomass using Thermoanaerobacter GHL(15). International Journal of Hydrogen 38. 14467–14475.
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