Gátt - 2010, Blaðsíða 79
F U L L o R Ð I N S F R Æ Ð S L A o g S T A R F S M E N N T U N
g á T T – á R S R I T – 2 0 1 0
nútíminn gefur okkur – þá eru bjartir tímar fram undan í full-
A b S T R A c T
In the global discussion on attitudes and policy making
in adult education it is a common view that now is the
moment of decisive changes. The changes are diverse but
principally consist of attitudes more open to varied educa-
tion programmes and the meaning of the basic concept of
education. Furthermore, there is increasing understanding of
the importance of everyone acquiring basic skills in reading,
writing, speech, numeracy and information technology that
are essential for employment and lifelong learning.
Present changes in attitudes are brought about by vari-
ous factors. First and foremost are the changes in lifestyle,
communication and in the economy of most societies due
to increased technology and globalisation. Furthermore, it is
evident that the economic crisis, followed by vast unemploy-
ment, has made clear the importance of diverse education
programmes and opportunities for the employment of the
individual. It is, however, not only the individuals who ben-
efit from these new attitudes, they benefit the whole society.
Education is crucial for the economic welfare of a nation. A
few examples will be given of how emphasis and attitudes
have changed.
U M H Ö F U N d I N N
Sigrún starfar sem sérfræðingur hjá Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnu-
lífsins. Þar sér hún m.a. um kennslufræðinámskeið fyrir leið-
beinendur í fullorðinsfræðslu. Einnig er hún stundakennari
við Listaháskóla Íslands.
Hún hefur Phil.Cand.-menntun í uppeldis- og sálarfræði
frá Háskólanum í Lundi í Svíþjóð, M.S.-próf í menntunar-
hönnun og -stjórnun og kennslutækni frá National Univer-
sity í Kaliforníu og framhaldsmenntun í fullorðinsfræðslu
frá Háskólanum í Linköping í Svíþjóð. Sigrún hefur einnig
víðtæka reynslu af fræðslustarfi, menntunarstjórnun og