Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1962, Page 38
Grindadráp í Føroyum 1940—1962
H. C. Miiller (1884) gives the figures for the yearly catches of pilot
whales (Globicephalus malaena Traill) in the years 1584—1883. For the
years 1884—1903 no figures are published, but for the catches in 1904
—1939 we can find the figures by Degerbøl (1940).
The present paper gives the monthly and yearly catches of pilot
whales in the Faroes for the years 1940—1962. (Table 1). In these 23 years
we had the very best catches, we ever had before. In Table 2 is seen
in which bays the scools are killed (hvalvágur). In 1962 were measured
190 whales. Table 3 and Fig. 2 show the results of the measurements.
8 fetus were measured, the lengths was 150—175 cm.
1. Brown, S. G.: Observations of Pilot Whales (Globicephala) in the
North Atlantic Ocean. Norsk Hvalfangst-Tidende 1961, nr. 6, bls.
2. Degerbøl, Magnus: Mammalia. The Zoology of the Faroes, Vol. 3,
part 2. København 1940.
3. Høst, H. E.: Om Hvalfangsten pá Færøerne. Nordisk Tidsskrift for
Fiskeri, II, bls. 313—352. København 1875.
4. Miiller, H. C.: Oplysninger om Grindefangsten pá Færøerne. Viden-
sk. Medd. Dansk Naturh. Foren. f. 1883, bls. 17—47. København 1884.
5. Ryggi, Mikkjal D. á: Dýralæra I, bls. 11Q—117. Tórshavn 1935.
6. Sergeant, David E.: Whaling in New Foundland and Labrador
Waters. Norsk Hvalfangst-Tidende 1953, nr. 12, bls. 687—695.
7. Sergeant, D. E. and Fisher, H. D.: The smaller cetacea of eastern
Canadian waters. J. Fisk. Res. Bd. Can. 14,83, 1957.
8. Zachariasen, Louis: Føroyar sum rættarsamfelag 1535—1655, 1. partur,
bls. 88. Fróðskaparrit. Supplementum 4. 1959.