Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1985, Blaðsíða 73
This paper is about Ólafur Þórarinsson, farmcr and smith in Vestur-Skaftafcllssýsla
(1768-1840) and his handiwork. Knowlcdgc about it rcsts on a srnall hcad band lcaf of
coppcr from a bridlc which was given to thc rcgional museum of Skógar undir Eyja-
fjöllum in 1952. Thc bcst contcmporary sourccs about thc smith Ólafur Þórarinsson arc
today thc Ccnsus of Iccland for thc ycar 1801 and thc Diaries of thc physician Svcinn Páls-
son (1762-1840), from thc ycars 1811-1830. Most of thc prescrvcd handiwork of Ólafur
dcrivcs from bridles. This rcscarch has brought to light pieces of coppcr with ornamcnt
from about 40 bridlcs, cithcr scts from singlc bridlcs or picccs frorn scts which mostly
havc bccomc lost. In thc rcscarch therc have appcarcd 6 diffcrcnt typcs of head band
leavcs of bridlcs (EL: I, II, III, IV, V, VI). Most typcs havc cast or cngravcd ornamcntal
knots in Romancsquc style and certain traits which allow a grouping.
Of the loops in which bands wcrc linkcd togcther in thc hcadstall two typcs havc bc-
comc discovcrcd (EÁ I and II), carrying cngravcd ornamcntal knots.
Therc arc head band lcavcs and loops from hcadstalls rclatcd to coppcr trappings of var-
ious kinds from bridlcs in such a manner that the lattcr must bc attributcd to Ólafur. This
applies to magnificcnt ornamcnted roundcls and squarc picccs joining bits, hcadstall and
rcins of bridlcs which must bc countcd among thc bcst works of coppcr-smithing prc-
scrvcd in Iccland fronr thc bcginning of thc 19th ccntury.
In 1872 thc National Muscum of Iccland acquircd a hcadstall from 1807, rcgardcd hcrc
as thc oldcst known spccimcn of thc producc of Óláfur. This sanrc museum bccanrc
owncr in thc following ycars of a considcrable numbcr of works by him, without know-
lcdgc about his authorship, thc curators bclieving on thc strcngth of thcir ancicnt-looking
stylc that thcy cvcn datcd from thc 16th ccntury.
Thc Nordiska muscct of Stockholm, Swcdcn, acquircd a fcw objects nradc'by Ólafur
in 1882 and 1888. Most of wliat hc fashioncd in coppcr is now at thc rcgional museum
of Skógar. Various othcr works in coppcr arc dcalt with in thc prcscnt papcr as wcll as
thcir conccivablc rclationship to Ólafur.
As a conscqucncc of this rcscarch rcnrarkablc objccts of carpcntry and iron working,
known without doubt to bc Ólafur’s handiwork, havc bccn discovcrcd. Thcrc is question
of large chcsts, madc from thc trunks which havc drifted ashorc. Two, of mahogany, are
of an espccially carcful manufacturc. Thcy havc largc kcy-hole mounts, cast in coppcr,
with a Romancsquc knot, which pcrmit to class thcm bcyond conjecturc witli hcad band
lcavcs ntadc by Ólafur (EL III). Both thcsc chests havc always bclongcd to Ólafur’s dcs-
ccndants. Kcys, chcst locks and hingcs of chests hclp to group togcther chcsts on thc basis
of ccrtain charactcristics. Thcrc havc also appcarcd in this rcscarch singlc door-kcys and
kcys from chcsts, which must bc rcgardcd as of Ólafur’s workmanship. Onc of thc chcsts
by him at thc rcgional muscum of Skógar has somc carving that opcns ncw paths in rc-
Translatcd by Þorkcll Grímsson.